Sunday 29 May 2011

Alternate Energy - A New Form of Energy

We need energy for so many things. For cooking, for generating electricity, to run vehicles, to apply force, etc.
But what is it that provides all this energy? There has to be a source of energy that supplies for all of these and many more purposes.
Alternate Energy thus is a wide term that is used to describe the replacement of the source of the various types of energy sources.
There is a limited quantity available of most of them forms of energy. In fact the exhaustive sources are the most powerful once. What will we do if one day all of this energy is finishes? How then will all the activities happen?
We should not wait for a situation like that to happen; in fact we should prepare ourselves in such a manner that such a situation never even happens. So we should increase the use of alternate energy so that the pressure on the primary sources is shifted to the secondary sources.
This is because we cannot afford to finish the limited source of primary energy. We will thus have to adopt a sustainable method that will benefit not just our generation but also the generations to come.
Things have changed in the new times. A lot of research has proved that alternate energy sources, if channeled in the right manner can be of great benefit.
I will discuss some of the alternate energies to make the concept clear.
They are as follows:
1. Coal acting as an alternate to wood
Coal is a relatively new form of energy source. Well it may be newly discovered but it has also been noticed as to how significantly it has been used as a part of the primitive civilisations.
2. Petroleum as a substitute for whale oil
Petroleum can be used as a substitute to whale oil. Whale oil is used as a fuel lubricant. It has been used since the early times. It has been noticed that in the past, the excess used had made it deplete. That is when the scarcity was substituted by petroleum.
In fact since then the use has become so significant that people have almost forgotten the use of whale oil.
There are some new concepts regarding the alternate energy.
They are:
Floating wind farms
Floating wind farms are quite similar to the regular wind farms. The only difference is that they are located in the middle of the ocean. They can be located almost 40 meters deep in the water. The energy in these can be used quite in the open ocean. That is a region that has quite not been explored and exposed too much.
Bio Hydrogen
Biological hydrogen is about making very efficient use of hydrogen. This means that the water is split is such a manner that the hydrogen is separated from it.
This is not a simple process and it is generally done on large scale.
So it is high time to understand that energy conservation is possible with the help if alternate sources. Become environment friendly.
Learn more on renewable energy sources and how you too can use alternative fuel sources to save your environment.
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Monday 23 May 2011

Alternative Energy Resources - Why Wind Power Is Good

For many years, windmills were utilized for grinding corn and pumping water. However the development of the interior combustion engine and electrical grids meant which the windmill became obsolete at the beginning of last century. Just how renewable wind energy works is by a kind of variation of solar power. That's, the power of your sun fuels the ambience and their causes the wind to blow.
The windmills that were designed to generate electricity often known as turbines were popular in Denmark by the end of your 19th century (1890). The manner in which they worked was that 2-3 rotor blades were connected to the shaft of any electricity generator as well as the wind spun the blades, turning the generator that makes electricity. There is talk this in a future 10 - two decades renewable wind energy may offer a large part in our electricity. There's considerably more to be done yet however, before anything from the sort can take place.
There are some advantages of renewable wind energy on the likes of petroleum in powering the planet.
This also includes:
Wind can be a positively vast and inexhaustible natural resource.The majority of the costs are merely the 1st costs to build a wind system. Only other costs are maintenance and operational costs.Wind power helps us reduce consumption of the alternative fuels such as natural gas and coal.Wind reduces global warming. At one time wind farm is erected there exists no greenhouse gas emissions.Wind is free.Electric power from wind is still cheaper than power from gas and nuclear plants.
There are many more benefits to renewable wind energy, we are hoping the examples above have done you think that and view wind as a possible way to get energy.
Renewable wind energy has great potential. A variety of researchers have already estimated that half of our power in the United States it may be met by wind power.
Currently wind supplies lower than 1% of most power but we have potential resources which make renewable wind energy a real possibility sooner or later. Considering renewable wind energy trends, wind energy in the USA has long been the fastest country on the planet to earn the majority of wind power.
Wind farms make places in the spot that the wind would be the strongest, like in North Dakota and California. Because wind farms need large regions land sometimes wind farms are placed on land that is utilized for farming also.
There are some points that should be taken into accounts before a wind farm is erected. Wind speed isn't just important nonetheless the indisputable fact that wind blows steadily too. There is always great affinity for going offshore also and it is really because strong winds blow more consistently out in the sea and prove an exceptional spot for wind generators.
In order for renewable wind to formulate to its potential, there needs to be an incentive that encourages its growth. State incentives have already been great basically because they have encouraged small wind systems. However at the moment you could still only make use of these incentives for anybody who is in California, Massachusetts, and The big apple, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - more states are being added constantly so keep a look out.
Amr Abdelbadee is a student and a researcher who works on vital issues that concern almost every person all over the world. He's currently focused on green energy, healthy nutrition and global peace.
Click Here to visit the Green Energy Portal and learn how to build your solar energy or wind energy systemwith Amr and his partners.
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Sunday 15 May 2011

Green Energy: Electricity From Wind

Oooh, I want one so bad!! A windmill, or wind turbine, that is. And not just any turbine, I want a vertical axis wind turbine. I want to generate green energy, or electricity, from wind.
After we installed a solar array to generate about 7.5kW/day I got to thinking that we were missing some valuable energy production time by not having a wind turbine. A that time the guy who installed the photo voltaic array told us we weren't good candidates for wind energy. Huh? It seems to me the wind blows all the time here. How could we not be good candidates?
His reply was that the wind we get is erratic, going from nothing to 14mph, down to 5mph and up to 35 mph. Traditional turbines need higher wind speeds to efficiently generate electricity, and don't deal well with gusts and wind shears like we tend to get around here.
In my heart I knew there had to be a better way. The west was tamed with the help of windmills. How, in the age of improved technology, couldn't there be a better deal than there was over 100 years ago?
Turns out there is. I first saw and appreciated the brilliance of a vertical axis turbine at a greening of the hotel industry meeting several years ago. An architect was sharing his energy-conserving design for a building he had just built. Not only did he employ a green wall on the south side of the structure to create shade for the building, a very cool concept -- if you'll excuse the pun, but also he had a wind turbine.
The way he placed the wind turbine was part of the cleverness of the arrangement. He had turbines placed at the corners of the buildings in what looked like stairwells, sticking above the roof line. The "stair well" housing the turbine was open on the roof side so that not only did the turbine catch blowing wind, but also wind "bouncing" off the roof. How cool is that?! Very.
I came right home and tried researching a vertical axis wind turbine so I could sell My Bigger Half on getting one for his office space. It was challenging to find enough information to share with him on the subject, much less to get him excited about it. I found a short video clip (linked below) of Jay Leno installing one on his garage warehouse in Burbank, and one or two manufacturers, and a few DIY models, but that was about it.
But today there is lots of information. Yaahooo! Now there are several videos of different vertical axis wind turbines, lots of manufacturers, and various wiki entries about them.
Here are a few of the ideas that appeal to me.
The Gale Wind TurbineThe Helix Wind TurbineThe Windspire Wind Turbine
The past few days I so wish we had wind energy going at the house, it's been too windy for anything but generating electricity! I bet we could avoid paying any electric bill if we hand a wind turbine at My Bigger Half's office. One day we'll have one and I'll be so happy about it.
Wind energy sure beats oil spills!
Kit Cassingham has been a greenie most of her life, even having a degree in Environmental Conservation. Her articles share lessons learned, both failures and successes. Food, cleaning, travel, energy and water conservation, waste reduction, home improvement projects, etc -- it's all part of green living, which you can follow at
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Thursday 5 May 2011

Living The Green Energy Home Dream by Sasko Vasilevski

With all the advances in green energy technology, it is easier than ever to begin converting your home into a green energy home. A green energy home utilizes renewable resources to provide electricity, hot water, heat and peace of mind.
There are several ways to implement your green energy home plan. The first is solar energy. In a green energy home you can install solar hot water panels which heat and store water for use and you can install solar panels, which use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity. These systems can be pricing if purchasing them and having them installed by a professional, but there are many great resources available to build your own solar panels and solar hot water systems that can reduce the cost greatly.
If you are just building your home, a great way to make it a green energy home is to implement passive solar design during construction. This means taking advantage of south facing sides of the house for heating and cooling. By installing lots of highly efficient windows and heat retaining bricks and stone on your south facing areas, you are taking advantage of passive solar techniques to develop your green energy home.
One more addition to the green energy home would be a windmill. Windmills are used to generate electricity from the renewable resource wind. Windmills can be installed on rooftops or in yards and offer pollution free electric. Windmills can be purchased from retailers or there are a wide variety of affordable kits available for the motivated do-it-yourselfers to handle the implementation of their own green energy home plans.
If you have a stream on your property, you may also add to the efficiency of your green energy home with hydroelectric power. This is also a great pollution free option that is easy to maintain and works as long as there is water existing.
The ultimate green energy home would combine all of these resources. By using wind, water and solar to generate electricity you are looking not only at huge savings and possible profits from your electricity usage, but you would truly be green as each of these options contributes little to global warming. To further combine passive solar design and solar hot water systems, you are reducing your energy needs exponentially and truly living the dream of going green.
A green energy home doesn?t require more maintenance than traditional homes. Solar
For more information on renewable energy click on the links provided in my signature (bio).
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Sunday 1 May 2011

Biosphere Technology – Efficient Green Energy - Technology ...

While new energy solutions are being discovered, refined and brought further and further into the public light, something that does not get a lot of headlines is waste to energy. How something like this continues to not be used in the United States is incredible as countries like Japan have been using it for quite some time and dramatically improving their waste disposal problems in highly populated areas.
Biosphere Technology concludes that, assuming traditional energy prices remain at their current level or rise, micro generation (meeting all of one's home's energy needs by installing alternative energy technology such as solar panels or wind turbines) will become to home energy supply what the Internet became to home communications and data gathering, and eventually this will have deep effects on the businesses of the existing energy supply companies. With the gasification process it is using, it became widely popular. Unlike incineration gasification assures zero harm to the environment.
Biosphere technology analyses also show that energy companies themselves have jumped in on the game and seek to leverage micro generation to their own advantage for opening up new markets for themselves. Carbon Free cites the example of electricity companies reporting that they are seriously researching and developing ideas for new geothermal energy facilities, as these companies see geothermal energy production as a highly profitable wave of the future. Another conclusion of Biosphere technology is that waste to energy technology is an efficient technology for reducing home energy costs in the long run. This kind of technology has been imposed with many different
Because the electricity generated from biosphere technology is from waste as it fuel green energy power is cost-effective. Lastly, Biosphere technology Free tells us that green energy production is an efficient way of reducing home electricity costs, while also being more independent. However, biosphere gasification facilities should be implemented first so we can have the benefit of green energy running as our electricity artiste for every home.
SBSC Green Energy and Waste Management: Earth Heals Better with us. The realization of Mrf (Municipal Recycling Facilities) will start the insight of a zero waste nation.
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