Monday 28 February 2011

Green Energy - Make Your Own Portable Solar Water Heater

You can make your own portable solar water heater for very little money. Take it with you when you go camping, or place it in the garden to use for hand washing when you are outside. You will have free hot water wherever you are, as long as the sun shines.
What you need:
You will need, a car or truck inner tube, these are available quite cheaply from a car parts store, or you can pick one up for free from a breakers yard. This is where your water is going to be stored, so the bigger it is the more hot water your heater will make. You will also need, a length of garden hose, some rubber sealing compound, a hose pipe coupler to connect your hose to the water reservoir, and a nozzle to act as a tap, or a sprinkler if you want to use your hot water as a shower.
Building your heater:
Check your inner tube for leaks by partially inflating it, and then submerging it in water. Check for bubbles, if you see any rising it will show where the hole is. Repair any holes using a puncture repair kit. Once your tube is airtight cut a hole in the tube opposite the valve. Make this hole just big enough to accept the end of your hose coupler. Insert the coupler into this hole, and cover with rubber solution to seal it in place. Connect your hose, and nozzle to the coupler, and there you have it, your solar water heater is complete.
Filling your heater:
To fill your water heater you can use a funnel, and poor water down the hose. The other method is, if you close the hose nozzle and inflate the tire. then place the end of the hose into a body of water, possibly a lake if you are camping, or a rain water-butt if you are in the garden, and let the air out of the tire, it will suck up water as he air exits the tube.
Using your heater:
Once filled simply leave it out in the sun to heat. Placing it on the roof, or hood of a car, or roof of a camper, will heat the quickest. If it is in the garden then placing it on a shed or outhouse roof is ideal. To use you can either hang over a tree branch, or raise it up some other way.
Storing your heater:
To store simply empty the inner tube, and roll it up. It will easily ft in a backpack, or small case. Your heater can be set up and used in no time. You can now use your portable solar water heater anywhere you go. Enjoy your free hot water.
Learn ways to produce green energy:
Do you want to disconnect from the grid, and make your own electricity? Find out how by visiting this how to build solar panels guide at Convert your home to solar energy for less. Save the planet, and say goodbye to those large electricity bills.
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Saturday 26 February 2011

Why Do I Need an Inverter for My Home Solar Energy System

All contemporary home solar energy systems come with an inverter as part of the system.
Energy collected from the sun is at a higher current than home and domestic electricity supplied from commercial sources.
The electricity generated from the solar panels is termed DC. This stands for direct current. This basically means that the current flows in one direction. The wiring that carries this current needs to be a heavier cable. These cables become hotter due to the increase energy carried along them. If the cable that carries this charge is too fine it can cause over heating, shorting and poor performance.
The electricity we get from our electricity wall socket in our homes is AC which means alternating current.
The inverter changes DC into AC current. AC current in our homes is at 240 Volts suitable for use with most electrical appliances.
The inverter allows the current to flow one way. The current is transformed to AC and not allowed to go back to the panel. The inverter allows the current to be used either within the house or if the panel is producing more than is being used, it can be shunted to the grid. In many countries, households are then credited if the energy produced is less than that consumed by that house.
AC and DC vary in the amount of energy they can carry also.
With DC power each battery or solar panel is designed to produce a constant voltage and cannot be changed. So a 9 volt battery will provide 9 volts of power.
Appliances that have AC or DC means that they can run on either battery power or be plugged into the wall and run on electricity.
AC voltage can be increased or decreased by a transformer. There is a transformer on the power pole outside our homes that converts it for use in our homes.
AC is safer to transfer over longer distances and gives more power. Which is why we use this form for the general public for safety and for economic reasons.
So in summary, the inverter is needed to allow the energy captured by the panels to be safely transformed into a suitable voltage for domestic use.
In over 40 countries across the world, solar is being utilised domestically more now than ever due to the concerns about global warming and renewable energy use.
As the general public become more aware of the contemporary challenges facing the worlds population, the call to action to change our practices will gain momentum. As more people gain the knowledge, more will demand affordable options and more knowledge about the pros and cons of the new energy sources. As the demand grows so too will the technology become more and more refined. How we use and view solar energy may will be different in a few years.
For options on portable solar panels, visit
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Wednesday 23 February 2011

Green Energy Live, Inc. Update for 2011 - Business News

Kailua, HI (PRWEB) June 14, 2011
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Richelle Kim to the position of President and CEO of Green Energy Live, as of February 2, 2011.
GELV has relocated the company headquarters to Kailua Hawaii. GELV believes there are tremendous opportunities for Green Technology in the state.
The Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative is leading the way in relieving our dependence on oil by setting goals and a roadmap to achieve 70% clean energy by 2030 with 30% from efficiency measures, and 40% coming from locally generated renewable sources. Hawai‘i’s clean energy goals are the most aggressive in the nation – and if we succeed, we will become a world leader in clean energy. –
In 2010, Green Energy Live was unable to generate sufficient revenues to cover operational expenses and capitalize on the development of other green technology projects, which negatively impacted its stock price.
The Company was unable to obtain adequate financing to acquire Peck Electric and Electrocell, and, as a result, GELV has elected to withdraw its letters of intent. Green Energy hopes to re-establish negotiations with both companies at a later date when financing becomes available.
The financial circumstances of GELV have resulted in delayed filings of its audited financial statement. The Comanche acquisition has not been completed, and we hope to renegotiate our terms in the future and complete the acquisition.
Green Energy Live is still committed to developing green technology for fuel, farming and waste management. Various projects such as bio fuels, organic fertilizer and a patent pending gasification and heat monitoring process will continue to be part of our business model.
Ms. Kim believes that attention should also be focused on other green technologies that can produce revenues much sooner for the company such as solar, wind and hydro.
“We intend to pursue all projects that will generate revenues for GELV now and delay projects that are in early stage development until we have the resources to complete such projects. Though I commend the efforts by my predecessor, too much time and money has been directed towards projects that are not immediate revenue producing ventures.”
Ms. Kim has reduced operating expenses and is working on completing audited financials, hoping to re-establish Green Energy as a fully reporting company. “We hope by addressing this issue and implementing other new strategies we will improve the price of our stock for our shareholders.”
“We are recommitting ourselves to the mission of Green Energy Live, Inc.” says Ms. Kim.
About Green Energy Live (OTC Markets: GELV) Green Energy Live, Inc. is engaged in developing sustainable biomass-to-energy conversion technology to meet a critical need for the nation's $154 billion livestock industry. The company plans to use its proprietary gasification technology for the development of highly innovative, on-site manure-to electricity conversion systems to enable livestock farmers and ranchers to convert their animal waste into clean, renewable energy.
This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections and other applicable laws. Such forward-looking statements include, without limitation, plans and expectations regarding the development of GELV's gasification technology and other projects and operations. GELV has tried, whenever possible, to identify these forward-looking statements using words such as "anticipates," "believes," "estimates," "expects," "plans," "intends," "potential" and similar expressions. Where the Company expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith based upon currently available information, and is believed to have a reasonable basis. However, forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed, projected or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to: (1) GELV's need for additional financing, which is not assured and which may result in dilution of shareholders; (2) GELV's status as a small company with a limited operating history; and (3) regulatory restrictions in the production of bio-fuels. For a more detailed discussion of such risks and other factors, see the Company's 2009 Annual Report on Form 10-K, filed on April 17, 2010, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and its other SEC filings. The Company does not undertake any obligation to release publicly revisions to any "forward-looking statement," to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release, to update or provide advice in the event of any change, addition or alteration to the information contained in this news release including such forward-looking statement, or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.
Contact: Investor Relations: 1-800-557-9572 Ext. 200
Green Energy Live, Inc.
Filed under: Press Release
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Monday 21 February 2011

Converting Your House Into A Green Energy Home - Home - DIY

With all the improvements in green energy technology, it is now simpler than ever to begin adapting your house into a green energy home.  A green energy home makes use of renewable sources to supply hot water, power, heating and security.
There are a variety of methods to making your house a green energy home.  The first is solar power.  In your green energy home you could put in a solar heating system to heat and store water for use, and put in photovoltaic solar panels to convert the sun's rays into power. If you bought and had these systems put in by a specialist they could be rather expensive. However, there are numerous resources and guides on the market to produce your own solar panel and hot water systems that are much more affordable.
If your house is still being built, a good way to turn it into a solar power house is to employ passive solar technology during construction. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, this means making use of the south-facing sides of your house for heating and cooling.  By putting in many light-efficient windows and heat regulating bricks on the south-facing side, these passive solar techniques help make your house into a green energy home.
Another method is making use of a windmill on your property.  Windmills are driven by the wind to generate power and even pump water from an outside source.  Wind turbines can be fixed on your rooftop or in your yard to produce clean electric power.  Like solar panels, domestic windmills can be bought and installed commercially, but that costs a lot of money. So, in recent times a wide selection of affordable sets have been made put on the market for people to make their own wind turbines and install their own green energy home plans.
Another way to add effectiveness to your green energy home is to utilize a nearby stream and produce hydro-electric power.  This is a fantastic pollution-free alternative that requires low maintenance and works as long as the stream is running.
The ultimate green energy home combines all of these renewable energy sources.  By utilizing the power of the wind, water and sun to produce electricity you would enjoy not only massive savings and potential profits from your power consumption, but also largely reduces your carbon footprint. By combining solar heating systems and passive solar architecture into your green energy home, your need for power from traditional sources (fossil fuels) would cut down considerably and you would be living the renewable energy dream.
What's nice is a green energy home does not require any more maintenance than conventional houses. Solar technologies need little maintenance and wind and water generators need only occasional oiling for optimal capability  There is no better time than now to start your green energy home project and live a cleaner life off the grid.
Tim McDonald and his wife have been living off the grid since June 2008. If you want to have your own green energy home and save thousands on your electricity bills, then be sure to Try Earth4Energy For FREE, before you go out and start any renewable energy project.
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Friday 18 February 2011

What are the Disadvantages of Using Green Energy Sources? - Technology

There are some who say that there are advantages to using such technology. While green energy sources can produce electricity, how much it can generate is not consistent. This is because we have no control of the weather so if a certain area relies on solar energy and there is a weather disturbance, it will not be able to convert sunlight into electricity.
Building these facilities also requires a lot of land so we may have to cut on farmland which is what many are concerned about if more wind turbines are to be put up. The Biggest Disadvantage of Renewable Energy is the relatively higher cost of most forms of alternative energy compared to fossil fuel sources of energy.
Also the massive old energy lobbies have successfully used their massive influence and power to inhibit the growth of renewable sources of energy.
Despite the current apathy towards climate change mitigation efforts, Global Warming is one of the biggest existential threats to humankind.
A very good example of this is called ocean thermal energy. Power is generated by harnessing the different temperatures in the water. It is currently being used on a small scale both in Japan and Hawaii.
In the US, only 7% of green energy sources are used nationally. This was much higher 11 years ago and if we don't have to worry about the cost of oil or even reduce our dependency on it, we have to invest more in this clean energy.
We can get it from green energy sources such as biomass, biodiesel, geothermal, solar, water and the wind. These are things we have all around us and all it takes is for someone to harness it instead of relying on traditional non-renewable means to produce energy.
Hawaii and Japan are, on a small scale, using an energy called ocean thermal energy. The temperatures in the water are harnessed to use as an energy source. Great care is needed with this technology so that the ocean ecosystem is not affected by changing temperatures.
In the US eleven years ago, the percentage of green energy sources being harnessed was higher than it is today. We cannot only worry about exploring it in times of economic turmoil. We, as a global community must invest more resources into utilizing what nature provides - renewable green energy!
Nonetheless, waste to energy could never have any disadvantages. Aside from the fact that it uses waste to generate electricity and solves waste management and green energy concerns, it also leads to an infinite source of electricity for waste will subsist while human civilizations do exist.

If you want to learn more about the technology that produces electricity which is biosphere technology, visit Biosphere Technology, a waste to energy system.
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Tuesday 15 February 2011

Green Energy - Bring Eco-Friendly Consciousness

At present, everyone are taking an active role in bring eco-friendly awareness and ways to save our planet. Certainly, it took years many years of hard research and development in bringing advanced and latest technologies into human lives. But humans are now playing with the planet that brings different types of ecological imbalances. This is the main reason for which small and big companies are considering green energy method to save our earth. Fundamentally, eco-friendly is an electricity energy that is created from a process that has zero negative effect on our planet. You can find that there are many other energy sources those have high rate of bad impact on the environment. One of the worst examples is fossil fuel with high rate of side effects to our earth.
Green energy has zero negative effect on environ than conventional methods that bring bad side effects. Some of the green approach are hydro energy, geothermal, wind and solar. Nuclear energy is also considered green resource because it gives low waste production virtual to other energy sources.
Let's have some idea about the different kinds of green energy:
Solar Energy - This environmental friendly energy is being used from the ancient times. In this type of energy the sunny heat and light of the sun is used.Wind Energy - This form of energy is used to make electricity. There are many cities those use the power of wind to generate electricity. Wind pumps, wind mills, and wind turbines are some of the important sources of wind energy.Geothermal - This type of energy is used to determine the temperature of our planet. It is how the earth was formed with volcanic activity, mineral decays and other forms.Nuclear Energy - This form of energy is used to generate electricity with the help of nuclear fission reaction.Hydro Energy - Hydropower is used to generate electricity and in this falling water force is used. This is one of the best forms of green energy.
The main aim of eco-friendly energy is to generate renewable electricity with negative pollution emission. It is true that all type of energy somewhat brings negative effect and pollution. But the rate of negativity is minimal. However, sustainable energy is renowned for contributing low rate effect than other types of energy. Well, there are many other forms of green energy but each of them plays a vital role in saving our planet. It helps to reduce green house and other forms of harmful effect. If you are really concerned about the earth, then you need to look for sustainable ways of making the earth greener and worth living. is doing his best in saving the planet by implement different green energy methods and innovations. Now, it's your turn!
Smart independent world wide consultancy end-to-end innovation program is designed to help your firm make a corporate-wide transformation in its innovation capabilities and culture. This customized program combines our consulting, software, venture, green energy and training services in a way that will ensure your company achieves its innovation goals.
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Friday 4 February 2011

Marine Solar Power Systems Using Green Energy Solutions by Rowland ...

A green energy solution is solar energy by maintaining high battery voltage for deep cycle battery in a marine environment. These batteries are used in recreational vehicles. It is essential to maintain a high voltage as a low charge can reduce the batteries usefulness by two to five percent. A charge controller will solve this problem and ensure that the voltage remains at a certain level that will safely charge from a solar panel. This piece of equipment is invaluable for a long trip on a boat, ship or ocean liner. Marine batteries systems reduce the amount of petroleum based energy the craft will use and cut the reliance on petroleum powered machinery.
Marine solar panels that are normally installed in the uppermost decks of the ocean liners, ships and yachts and are becoming standard equipment for newly designed ocean going crafts. The marine system batteries allow them to stay out in a marine environment for a longer period of time, cuts down on the amount of fuel the craft needs to use to make the engines operable, and creates an energy that is clean and renewable every time the sun comes up.
When you add up the balance of system for the cost of getting a system like this going it only makes sense to switch over to an energy form that will not cost you once the initial equipment is installed, and the maintenance for these systems is nominal.
By utilizing integrated photovoltaic solar panels in a marine environment that supply energy to batteries ship builders have adapted the principle of the systems to a smaller unit and has made it a practical application for marine use. The smaller system is still considered a grid-connected system because most systems employ the central generating plant system to a small grid with solar panels made up of special solar tiles.
Marine solar panels and marine solar system batteries create a renewable or green energy that is applicable to a small pleasure boat all the way to the huge ocean liners that are really floating cities. By using marine system batteries that are powered by marine solar panels, it has been proven that it is possible to build a floating city that is entirely dependent on solar power.
The panels and systems used in marine solar system batteries are not different from the residential applications; it is the environment that they are used in. If one is planning to live aboard or cruise in salt water or anywhere that creates a marine environment, it is a good idea to know what the wiring and attachments hardware you will need to keep your marine solar panels working in top shape.
The marine solar panels system that charges the marine solar system batteries can be effectively used in the application of maintenance charging while at a dock. If your sailing vessel is stopped often or at anchor on a fairly steady basis, you need to maintain a floating charge in order to keep the batteries full and you will be able to avoid a situation where the craft will not start.
The green energy factor comes in when you can consider how much you will save in fuel when you augment your onboard charging systems with a marine solar panel that gives you power that can be stored in the marine solar system batteries. The marine environment creates special needs, as in corrosion to parts and panels that have to be carefully monitored and the parts replaced occasionally to keep the system running at the optimum power production capacity

About The Author Rowland Kubale is a boat owner interested in Solar Energy and it's production. Find out more about how to build your own Solar Panels for about $200 or so as against $2000+ for an off the shelf solar panel.

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Tuesday 1 February 2011

Throwing The Three Most Desired Details Of Green Energy At Your ...

Throwing The Three Most Desired Details Of Green Energy At Your Face
by: Martin Chuah
Like it or not, it's a well-recognized fact that our world is confronted with a string of devastating issues nowadays. Not solely there is the unstoppable international warming, there are lots of different problems such as air pollution, worldwide floods and so forth which may all be attributed to irresponsible human actions. Therefore, there is a need for all of us to start pushing for a wider use of green power to scale back the damage on our mother earth. Go on studying to learn more concerning the 3 important details of green energy.
First of all, green power does not contribute to the diminishing of natural resources. Besides that, this form of power does not cause any damage to our environment. This specific attribute of green energy becomes absolutely apparent whenever you evaluate it with the most commonly used power these days which is coal. Not solely it produces substances that are detrimental to the earth when it's burned, it also releases mercury which instantly enters into the pure food chain through absorption. Finally, it would have an effect on our well being when the contaminated food enters our bodies through consumption.
Next, whereas green power sources are seemingly expensive in the brief run, they're actually less expensive in the long term as compared with different typical energy sources. As you recognize, you normally need to fork out a lot of money every year to settle the electricity bill simply to maintain a snug lifestyle. This is normally worse during summer season when the climate is sizzling and you need to switch on air conditioners all of the time. When it comes to green energy such as solar energy, water turbine in addition to windmill, all you must pay is just a one-time set up charge and there is nearly nothing for you to pay after that. To be exact, it may be described as an option which supplies the customers with the low cost advantage.
Thirdly, another truth that people might not be aware of is that green energy sources can very much be homemade. Though these home made green energy sources may not fully take over the standard supply of electrical energy, but they do generate sufficient energy to lower your invoice significantly. For example, on the subject of solar energy, you can easily get some solar cells which convert sunlight into electrical energy. By placing these cells at areas which obtain the utmost quantity of sunlight, they are going to have the ability to complement your need in the evening.

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