Friday 4 February 2011

Marine Solar Power Systems Using Green Energy Solutions by Rowland ...

A green energy solution is solar energy by maintaining high battery voltage for deep cycle battery in a marine environment. These batteries are used in recreational vehicles. It is essential to maintain a high voltage as a low charge can reduce the batteries usefulness by two to five percent. A charge controller will solve this problem and ensure that the voltage remains at a certain level that will safely charge from a solar panel. This piece of equipment is invaluable for a long trip on a boat, ship or ocean liner. Marine batteries systems reduce the amount of petroleum based energy the craft will use and cut the reliance on petroleum powered machinery.
Marine solar panels that are normally installed in the uppermost decks of the ocean liners, ships and yachts and are becoming standard equipment for newly designed ocean going crafts. The marine system batteries allow them to stay out in a marine environment for a longer period of time, cuts down on the amount of fuel the craft needs to use to make the engines operable, and creates an energy that is clean and renewable every time the sun comes up.
When you add up the balance of system for the cost of getting a system like this going it only makes sense to switch over to an energy form that will not cost you once the initial equipment is installed, and the maintenance for these systems is nominal.
By utilizing integrated photovoltaic solar panels in a marine environment that supply energy to batteries ship builders have adapted the principle of the systems to a smaller unit and has made it a practical application for marine use. The smaller system is still considered a grid-connected system because most systems employ the central generating plant system to a small grid with solar panels made up of special solar tiles.
Marine solar panels and marine solar system batteries create a renewable or green energy that is applicable to a small pleasure boat all the way to the huge ocean liners that are really floating cities. By using marine system batteries that are powered by marine solar panels, it has been proven that it is possible to build a floating city that is entirely dependent on solar power.
The panels and systems used in marine solar system batteries are not different from the residential applications; it is the environment that they are used in. If one is planning to live aboard or cruise in salt water or anywhere that creates a marine environment, it is a good idea to know what the wiring and attachments hardware you will need to keep your marine solar panels working in top shape.
The marine solar panels system that charges the marine solar system batteries can be effectively used in the application of maintenance charging while at a dock. If your sailing vessel is stopped often or at anchor on a fairly steady basis, you need to maintain a floating charge in order to keep the batteries full and you will be able to avoid a situation where the craft will not start.
The green energy factor comes in when you can consider how much you will save in fuel when you augment your onboard charging systems with a marine solar panel that gives you power that can be stored in the marine solar system batteries. The marine environment creates special needs, as in corrosion to parts and panels that have to be carefully monitored and the parts replaced occasionally to keep the system running at the optimum power production capacity

About The Author Rowland Kubale is a boat owner interested in Solar Energy and it's production. Find out more about how to build your own Solar Panels for about $200 or so as against $2000+ for an off the shelf solar panel.

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