Saturday 26 March 2011

Green Energy - A Detailed Guide to the Main Sources of Green Energy

There has been a lot of talk about green energy in recent years. You should definitely learn what it is and how it can help you save money and save the planet as well. Use this guide to make your first steps in the world of green energy.
Green energy is energy produced from natural renewable resources. Some of them include water and energy from the sun. These resources are renewable because they replenish naturally, unlike gas and oil which are non-renewable and will be depleted eventually.
For this reasons, the renewable sources of energy are cheap to use. Virtually, they cost nothing. However, their exploitation is still costly, but this will certainly change in the future. It is equally important to point out that the exploitation of these natural resources does not harm the environment or at least harms it very little compared to the use of non-renewable resources, such as gas and oil.
Currently, hydropower, the energy produced from the movement of water, is the most widely exploited type of green energy. Most of the hydropower we get now comes from large hydroelectric dams and smaller hydroelectric facilities. Still, these are considered not particularly good for the environment as they damage the natural balance in existing ecosystems. For this reason, the development of damless hydro systems is becoming more advanced while their use grows. Now we can use energy from the ocean as well. Currently, there are a number of hydroelectric stations generating power from tides and ocean currents.
Solar Energy
This is perhaps the most widely accessible type of green energy. Power from the sun can be used for electricity generation in public and commercial buildings as well as in private homes. There are two main ways for using solar energy. One of them is passive. A building is orientated towards the sun and the building materials used retain more of the sun energy they are exposed to. The active approach involves installing sun energy collecting panels. An additional system for energy conversion and transfer to the building's electric grid is also installed.
Wind Energy
Wind energy is harnessed with the use of wind turbines. Given the large size of the turbines and the need for positioning them in an area with strong and constant winds, these usually form large wind farms which are connected to electric power transmission networks. Still, this does not mean that you cannot install a small turbine on your property.
Geothermal Energy
This green energy comes directly from the earth in areas with volcanic activity. The harnessing of this type of energy is difficult and, in turn, expensive. It is costly to build a geothermal power station, but its operational costs are low. That is why geothermal energy is considered to have good future potential.
Biomass and Biofuel
Biomass is derived from the processing of dead plants. This type of green energy can be used for literally anything. Biofuel can be produced from alcohol from fermented sugar as well as from vegetable and animal oil.
These are the green energy types we are currently using. Their use is expected to become wider and cheaper in the future.
James L. Raft is a writer for a website called Explore Green Energy which has information on solar energy and much more.
View the original article here

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