Wednesday 15 June 2011

Vega Biofuels Secures Interim Financing For Green Energy Bio-Coal

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NORCROSS, Ga., -- VEGA BIOFUELS, INC announced today that the Company has secured the necessary funding to proceed with its plan to build a green energy bio-coal manufacturing plant in Cordele, GA.
Vega has entered into a Loan Agreement with a group of its existing shareholders that will provide the Company with the necessary funding needed for various expenses associated with the design and construction of the proposed South Georgia manufacturing plant. Funding is in the form of a five hundred thousand dollar line of credit and allows the Company to draw on those funds as needed moving forward.
Vega recently announced plans to build a manufacturing plant in South Georgia that when completed will produce green energy bio-coal for use in existing coal fired power plants around the world. The manufacturing plant will be located in Cordele, Georgia.
"This is a very important first piece of our overall funding plan," stated Michael K. Molen, Chairman/CEO of Vega Biofuels, Inc. "There are a lot of expenses associated with the planning and development of a project of this magnitude. First funds are always the most difficult to find. These funds will allow us to move forward with our plans without having to dilute our securities by conducting a Private Placement. We appreciate the confidence our shareholders have in what we are doing. We will have more information concerning additional funding for the project as we move forward."
The Company made the decision to locate the biomass manufacturing plant in Crisp County after members of it management team met with the Crisp County Industrial Development Council (IDC) earlier this year to discuss their assistance with locating a site for the plant, tax abatements, and various job credits available to Vega if the Company located its plant in their county.
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Green Energy - How to Use Green Energy at Home and in Your Daily Life

Green energy is much more easily accessible than you think. It is often simple to use as well. More importantly, you can save a lot on gas and electricity bills if you use energy from renewable resources in your daily life and at home.

Solar energy is the most accessible green energy for the average home owner at present. You have a variety of options for using it. You can build or buy a house that uses solar energy passively. Many recently build homes are specifically designed to have greater exposure to the sun and to retain more of the light and heat that fall on it. Additionally, many such homes have active solar heating systems that allow you to heat your home using solar power only or at least partially.

There are a lot of things you can do to use solar green energy in your current home. You can buy an electricity generating system with solar panels and a converter and connect it to your home's electricity system. At present, such systems are costly, but the government provides tax relief to home owners who invest in such systems. In general, such an investment will certainly pay off in the long run.

If you cannot afford to invest in getting electricity for your entire home from solar energy, you can readily heat and light certain parts of it, such as your swimming pool and garden. Solar water heating systems as well as solar outdoor lamps are readily available at affordable prices.

Hydropower and wind energy are usually exploited fully by dams and wind farms, but you can readily harness these types of green energy at home as well. If you have running water on your property, you can readily have a small hydropower electric system. Similarly, if you have at least one acre of free land and there regular strong winds in your area, you can use a small wind electric system. The installation of such systems may be costly, but you will be able to use absolutely free energy for decades.

Biofuels are now more easily accessible than ever before. They are affordable and work well to power you car, provided that it is designed to work on such fuels. You can readily choose from ethanol and biodiesel. You can also use natural green energy sources for heating your home or parts of it.

You may think that wood and biobased pallets may not be the best choice as harmful particles are emitted into the air from burning. However, there are many new appliances that are particularly designed to make the use of wood and biobased pallets safer for you and the environment.

You have a variety of options for using green energy, so you should not hesitate to take advantage of as many of them as possible. At the same time, you can save even more money and protect the environment better, if you save energy in general. There are many different was for using energy more efficiently. These range from buying energy-saving appliances to collecting rainwater in barrels to water your plants rather than using tap water.

James L. Raft is a writer for a website which covers renewable energy information, wind energy and power and more.

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How Reliant Is the US On the Middle East For Oil?

Any discussion involving the United States and Middle East necessarily centers around the resource known as oil. It is often suggested that the dependence of the United States on the Middle East for oil is crippling it and even should be considered a national defense concern. Is this true or a bit of propaganda? Let's take a look.

Middle Eastern Elephants

Most people assume the Middle East is important, but few can actually say why. The answer is elephants. No, not the four legged beasts. In this case, we are talking about huge oil fields. The real secret of the oil industry is that the vast amount of oil that is produced in the world has come from a relatively small number of fields. It just so happens that a number of them are in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has Ghawar, which is generally considered the biggest to have ever been found. There are or were also large fields in Iran, the border of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as well as in Iraq. Yes, I know that last one must come as a shock to you. Anyway, this is why the Middle East is important not to mention it has a number of smaller fields that produce.

U.S. Reliance

Okay, so just how reliant is the United States on the Middle East for oil? The answer is a shocker. Not very reliant at all. We import roughly 13 percent of our daily oil from the region. That is it. In truth, we import most of our oil from...Canada. Mexico isn't far behind.

Surprised? Well, you should be. For all the discussion of our reliance on the Middle East, the simple fact is it is a bunch of The future is another question. The United States is facing a future oil crisis of significance and we are already seeing the impact.

The first problem is Mexico. Mexico has an elephant known as Cantrell and it has peaked. Not only can it no longer produce what it once did, the production rate per year is falling dramatically. This is bad for both Mexico and the United States. Mexico is reliant on revenues from oil sales and the U.S. obviously needs the oil.

The second problem is Canada is quickly becoming primarily a tar sands oil producer. There is plenty of oil in the sands. The problem is getting it out. One does not pump it like a traditional well. Instead, one has to basically mine it like coal and then process it using huge amounts of heated water. Finding enough water to do the processing on a very large scale is problematic at best. Canada will always be a big importer to the United States, but it can only produce so much.


So, how will the United States deal with future oil needs? That is the big question. There are no easy answers. There is 10 billion barrels of oil in Alaska, but that is not much despite what it sounds like. The United States uses roughly 19 million barrels a day, which is the equivalent of roughly 6 billion a year. In short, that 10 billion will go fast.

The only real alternative is...Iraq. It has been seriously underdeveloped and there is a strong suspicion there may be an elephant field or two to be found there. Oddly, it just so happens that we also happen to have three permanent military bases there as well as one huge embassy. Funny how that happens.

How reliant is the United Stats on the Middle East for oil at this time? The answer is surprising in that we really aren't very reliant. That will change, however, in the future and Mexico continues to deplete.

Patrick Sampson writes for - a site exploring the peak oil question and debate.

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Green Energy for Homes - Home - DIY

Green Energy is the use of nature's resources to generate clean and renewable energy. A green energy project can be taken as a hobby to power a few devices or it can be taken further to even generate enough energy to power your home. It's all about choosing your project and then working your way through it at your own pace. If you're a home owner you'll find that it is a relatively economical way to save both your money and the environment.

When choosing your green energy project you have to choose which is best suitable for the place in which you are living. For example, if you are living in a place with enough daylight for most parts of the year and your roof can hold solar panels, it is recommended that you choose a solar energy project. One advantage of solar panels is that as long as there is light, it just sits there and generates power continuously without giving any kind of exhaust. Solar power not only requires little maintenance but is also flexible, as when you need more power you can just add additional solar panel units and plug it in to your existing system. It may be costly to set it up at first, but the long term savings justify the initial cost.

Even if you think that solar energy is costly, there is still tons of other things that you can set up like wind power, geothermal heat pumps and radiant energy, but solar and wind are the most practical green energy projects for homes. People living in places where the wind blows very frequently or there is enough breeze for most parts of the year can opt for wind turbines which come in a range of sizes. This means that a vast range of people can use different wind turbines specific to their needs. After installing a wind turbine all that is left to do is perform general maintenance once in a while. Wind power is more suitable for non-urban areas, like the countryside for example.

As far as the space occupied by these wind turbines is concerned, they hardly take considerable space due to their height and you can use the space below the wind blades for other purposes, though they may prove to be a bit noisy at times.

Geothermal Heat Pumps are a relatively new technology and they use the natural heat storage capacity of the earth to provide energy-efficient space heating and cooling as well as water heating. The geothermal heat pump takes advantage of the ground to act as a heat source in winter and as a heat sink in summer. Installation of geothermal pumps requires some professional work and labour and so it is not necessarily a do-it-yourself type of project. Also the installation costs are high and it takes time, but the savings from this type of system for heating and cooling can range anything between $300 to $1500 annually.

If you are a home owner it may be difficult to know where to start at first if you want to build a green energy source. At times like this having a handy eBook that guides you through the process of choosing the right items to buy, installation and wiring will save a lot of your time and will keep you from scratching your head wondering what to do next. It will also help you to use your money efficiently in buying the most cost-effective items.

Some people might think that using eBook guides is no too important. However, keep in mind that these eBooks are written by energy enthusiasts and experts with the intention of making the whole process of choosing the products and doing the installation as simple as possible. First, you know what you are doing and secondly you get a real in-depth knowledge of its working and many other useful tips.

Having a do-it-yourself eBook guide is not a priority but it can be an important addition to your green energy project. Since it gets you started and straight forward to the project, my question to you is ; why no own one? If you are building a green energy device for your home, this might be the one thing your project might be missing.

V.H. Rameng is a green energy hobbyist and an energy enthusiast and has helped many people to find the perfect green energy solution for their homes. Please visit to know more about green energy projects for homes.

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Tips That Could Help Save You 50% on Your Energy Bills

Everyone is looking for some way to save money especially when it comes to their energy bills and consumption. If you think that it might be too hard to cut back on your gas or electric bills, you might be surprised to see just how easy it can be no matter what time of year that it might be. Here you will find some tips that might be able to save you up to 50% on your energy bills each month.

One of the easiest and first things you should do is go through your house and change all of your light bulbs to the CFL variety of bulbs. This alone will help you cut back on 20% on your total energy bill if all of the bulbs in your house are CFL bulbs.

It's always a good idea to have surge protectors around the house that have a variety of different appliances and electronic devices plugged into them. This not only saves on your devices it cuts down on energy if you switch off the surge protector to the appliances that you are not using at the time. By doing this you don't have to unplug anything and they can all be turned off and on with one switch. Even when your devices are turned off they are still using electricity.

Always make sure that the thermostat in your home is a few degrees higher in the summer months and then a few degrees lower in the winter. You should increase your AC to turn on at about 80 to 84 degrees and then in the winter set the heater to come on at no higher than 73 degrees.

In the winter time when you are inside your home you should make sure to wear warmer clothes even though you are inside and when it's summer you should wear very thin clothes even when you are inside the home. This is going to save on both the use of the heater and the AC.

You should also, if you have them, and maybe you should install them, is to use ceiling fans to help circulate the air in you home. This should be done during the summer months as well as during the winter months. This will make less work on your heating and cooling system.

You also need to remember to always turn off both the heater and the AC when there is nobody at home. There is no need to waste all of that energy if there is not going to be anyone home. It won't take that long to warm up or cool down you home once you turn your heat or AC on.

When the weather is really nice make sure to have all of your windows and doors in to get the fresh air in. This is especially a good idea in the early mornings to let in all of the cool morning air and then once again in the evenings to let in any cool air of the night. This will save on your AC big time.

In order to cut down on the energy it takes to heat water it's a good idea to take shorter showers and to make sure to limit the amount of loads of laundry that you do each week. Make sure that all of your loads are completely full loads and avoid doing small loads at all cost.

Make sure that all of your closets in your home as well as your garage door are closed, especially if your garage is connected to the house. The more space you have open the more energy that is going ot be used.

Make sure that all of your doors and windows are sealed good to make sure that no heat or cool air is escaping to the outside as well as none of the cold or heat is getting into the house. This will help you to put less strain on your heating and cooling system.

If after doing all of this and you still can't seem to get that electric bill down then you might want to get a hold of your electric company and have them come out and check your meter. Your meter might be old and is running faster which means you are going to get charged for energy that you aren't really using.

For more free Fuel & Energy Information download Charles' Free Fuel & Energy Information Pack at and join thousands of other people discovering and utilising free and alternative energy sources!

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DIY Solar Energy - Green Energy Reviews - Home - DIY

As awareness of the great damages on our planet by greenhouse gas emissions is being raised, there are always more people and companies taking steps towards finding entire clean energy sources that do not harm the environment. They are using alternative renewable resources such as sun, water and wind to preserve our planet and stop global warming, climate change and other environmental annihilation due to greenhouse gas emissions.

Right now sunshine is one of the most widely used source of renewable energy because it is the most easy to implement and install. That is where solar panels come into the picture. Solar panels mounted on roof tops are not as "unsightly" as one might think at first. They really do not look bad at all. In fact I myself and many peaple I have talked to, think that they look good. Personally I like the looks of a roof with solar panels on it. Many businesses and home owners have mounted solar panels on their roof top to collect solar energy and convert it into useable energy. Harnessing this renewable resource this way has reshaped the home and business owner's way of life.

Wind energy also plays a significant role among the renewable source of energy, because it does not produce any pollution. It is also the safest and cleanest among all the green energy sources. Not to mention, it is free! Once the system is up and running it cost you nothing to produce electricity. For years we have been using wind to operate windmills to pump water. But now technology has allowed us to use it for so much more. For example, to produce electricity. Wind energy is a super form of producing green energy in places where wind is readily available.

Its obvious why more and more people are opting to make the change to go with green energy sources. The more people contribute to Mother Earth by going green, the longer we can preserve Mother Earth and the healthier we will be living here.

Ernie Waldner has reviewed a number of green energy products available on the market at this time. You can read all about them at or by clicking the link below. Ernie Waldner has also recomended what would be the best and/or most convenient product to start out with.

(c) Copyright - Ernie Waldner. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Benefits of Green Energy Sources by Terje Brooks

For many years, we have relied on fossil fuels. It offers warmth to our houses, gasoline for our vehicles as well as electrical power. Because we're now using it more than ever, there is a consequence. We're using up our resources and slowly killing our earth. Luckily, we are able to alter our ways and then shift our attention to green energy sources.

Why green energy sources? Most certainly because there are benefits of using them which we'll never be able to obtain if we do not change our ways. This is also even if some may argue that the actual problem with eco-friendly power is that it is sometimes hard to produce the power we need. While that may be correct, that's the reason there are additional eco-friendly energy sources available and we just to know which ones are workable provided the actual geographic location.

The different eco-friendly energy sources like solar, wind, wave, hydropower and geothermal don't produce anything dangerous which may have a negative impact on the environment. This is the exact opposite of what you get when you continue to run a coal or nuclear power plant.

Coal releases co2 into the air. By itself, it may not trigger that much damage. There are presently 50,000 coal plants all over the world and that number is likely to grow.

Nuclear plants may not discharge anything dangerous into the air. The problem is how we get rid of the spend rods and if another nuclear accident should happen. All of us remember Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. We have most likely learned better ways to prevent another incident from occurring. Through the years, a few small accidents have happened and even though leak was contained, just imagine if it was not?

Eco-friendly energy sources may not be maintenance free but at least it doesn't need that much to maintain them when compared with conventional means. Ultimately, we save money because such facilities don't cost very much to operate.

The next benefit of using eco-friendly power sources is that we'll never run out of them. Since way back when, the sun's rays have reached so has the wind that is blown from the sea. By utilizing it, we lower our reliance on oil which is a nonrenewable resource.

If you think about it, a lot of us have taken these green energy sources for granted. If we do the correct thing now, upcoming generations won't have to confront the mess that we could have taken care of on our own years before.

In a nutshell, the power is in our hands. We now have the actual technology and we know what to do with it. The only thing we need is to do would be to put our money where our mouth is because in spite of how many conferences on global warming and climate change, little has happened.

Eco-friendly energy sources is the solution to the environmental, political as well as social problems of this lifetime. By spending more on these types of technology, no country will have to depend on another or even a corporation for their energy requirements because they are self reliant and free.

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Solar Portable Panels - Mono Crystalline and Multi Crystalline - What Is the Difference?

Amorphous silicone panels are the most advanced technology of the three. Unfortunately they are not as stable or efficient for mass useage. They require much more surface area to be productive. In view of this I have chosen not to discuss them here. Their advantage is that they do not become less efficient at high temperatures ie above 50 degrees C as the other two do.

Mono crystalline silicone panels are a slice from single crystal. This gives the cell the unusual diamond type shape. They are sliced wafer thin.

Multi crystalline silicone panels, also known as poly crystalline solar panels, are made from slices of many cells that are fused together then sliced into cells. These are then cut and assembled to form a wafer. These can be made into whichever shape hence the more efficient appearing square shaped cells. These days, cells and panels are laser cut with advanced computer driven technologies. This gives a very accurate and clean slice.

In both mono crystalline and multi crystalline solar panels the crystal layer is very fine. The bulk of the panel is made up of the supporting structures including tempered glass, EVA film and rear film. Generally they have an aluminium frame. Ideally panels are attached to rooftops by a system of aluminium mounting system. Ideally this system will be around 100 millimetres above the roof surface. This allows for drainage and self cleaning of water and leaves. It also allows for cooling of the panels as they can generate a lot of heat.

Mono crystalline silicone solar panels are reported to be more efficient than the multi crystalline silicone solar panels. They are also reportedly more expensive to make. However, multi crystalline panels are a good affordable option to encourage more people to implement solar panels for their home energy needs.

There are also differences in wattage output dependent on quality of panel whether mono crystalline or multi crystalline. Both types of panel become less efficient when temperatures reach 50 degrees Celsius.

Solar portable panels as with any solar panel, require an inverter to change the energy gathered from the sun into useable household energy. When collected from the sun, the energy is DC meaning Direct Current. This is a higher current than household use electricity that comes out of the socket in the wall. The energy we get from the wall socket has been converted to AC which means alternating current.

Currently Germany is the world leader in solar energy. With current global warming and conscientiousness of renewable energies, more countries are exploring solar energy.

For ideas about solar portable panels visit

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Renewable Energy Sources by Troy ...

What are the Advantages and Downsides of Using Green Energy Sources?

Now, we are at this time conscious of the aftermath of global warming. Luckily, it isn't too late and we can still modify which is why many are pushing for green energy sources.

The advantage of using green power is that it is clean so it is unpolluted so it doesn't emit anything harmful into the air which has an impact on the atmosphere. It's also renewable which implies we will never run out of it unlike oil which is predicted to dry up in ten years or so.

While green energy facilities are expensive to construct, it needs less upkeep so you don't have to shell out a large amount of money to operate it.

It can also bring industrial advantages to selected areas even increase tourism.

Even as these sound good, there are some who say that there are benefits to using such technology.

While clean energy sources can make electricity, how much it can make is not consistent. The reason we have no control of the weather so if a certain area depends on solar electricity and there's a weather distraction, it will not be able to convert sunlight into electricity.

Building these services also requires lots of land so we may have to cut on farmland which is what many are nervous about if more air turbines are to be put up.

A different disadvantage is the fact that some of the renewable energy sources can't be installed in selected areas of the earth. For example, wave energy can only be employed if the waves coming from the ocean attain at least 16 feet. The use geothermal energy can only be done in geologically unstable parts of the earth.

But if you look at such arguments, places that can't use one form of renewable energy source can be substituted for another. If turbines need more space, they can be installed close to the coast rather than putting these on land. A study shows that you can make more electricity whilst these are in the ocean.

Even as the weather is a thing we can't control, it is not everyday that there's a weather disturbance so this too shall pass. If solar electricity is being used and the sun is covered, the emergency generators will be turned on and use up the energy that was stored.

The point is that there are tactics round the discussions put by certain people which discourage the use of green energy sources. Actually, research is continuing to try and harness other means to make the power we want.

A very good example of this is called ocean thermal energy. Power is generated by harnessing the altered temperatures in the water. It is currently being used on a tiny scale both in Japan and Hawaii.

In the US, only 7% of green energy sources are used countrywide. This was way higher eleven years ago and if we don't have to worry about the cost of oil or maybe reduce our reliance on it, we need to invest more in this clean energy.

We can get it from green energy sources such as biomass, biodiesel, geothermal, solar, water and the wind. These are things we have all around us and all it takes is for someone to harness it instead of relying on normal non-renewable means to produce energy.

To check out a review of products that can save you hundreds of dollars on your electricity bills

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Thursday 9 June 2011

The Revenge of Energy - Waves Versus Nuclear Power

Fifty years ago nuclear power was considered the wave of the future. Indeed, for good reason, after all there's a lot of energy packed in a very small space, and it's better than any other source we could ever hope to refine from fossil fuels for instance. But now after the big Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami, and after watching the Chernobyl disaster unfold, many folks are reconsidering the previous generation of nuclear power. In fact, we are overdue for something new.

Today, there are new innovations and science in the realm of nuclear power generation which will revolutionize the sector, and perhaps even solve all of our energy challenges of the future. However, if we are to make this work we must invest in the research, and make it happen. Meanwhile, the other day I was talking to some folks at our think tank and I made an interesting statement just to shake everyone up. I said; "the Tsunami in Japan was really the revenge of energy, waves Versus nuclear power."

Everyone turned around and looked at me as if I'd lost my marbles, but I explained it to them like this; "ocean wave generation is a constant and reliable source of energy, the waves on Earth never stop hitting the shoreline, and therefore they are perfect for base load unlike wind and solar alternative energies for instance." Immediately, everyone knew what I was getting at and talking about.

You see, in the United States 80% of our population lives within 50 miles of the ocean. That means ocean wave generation is a brilliant form of energy, and it is right where it needs to be. Nuclear power presently has some challenges such as long terms storage of spent fuel rods. There are some new technologies which can continually use these spent fuel rods until their half-life has been used up many more generations.

Either we need to bring that technology to the forefront, and perhaps Bill Gates will, or we need to look into new forms of reliable and renewable energy such as ocean wave generation to produce our electricity needs for our civilization. Wind and solar might seem sexy, but currently that technology is not good enough to provide as the reliable power we need.

You see solar power is already 50% inefficient because the sun does not shine at night. And when the wind isn't blowing those wind generators don't produce anything. In fact they cost a lot to build and if we amortize that cost over a couple of decades, we must consider that many times those wind generators will be sitting still. Indeed, I hope you've enjoyed today's energy discussion and I thank you for joining us. If you have any more comments, or questions, please shoot me an e-mail and I thank you for listening.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.

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How to Make Your Own Fuel Cell With Materials In Your Own Home

The popularity of fuel cells is increasing because there are a lot of people who are trying to find ways in which to use fuel that simply does not require the use of oil. Believe it or not, you can actually make your own fuel cells in your own home and use them as an alternative source of energy.

These can be a lot more desirable than batteries because they can be used for many different things and they don't have to be recharged nor do they need to be replaced. Also the byproduct of the fuel cell is hydrogen and not a toxic byproduct like other energy sources. They also will save you money in the long run.

Things you will need to create your own fuel cell:
12 inches of platinum wireWire clippersA nailA battery clipScissorsBattery (needs to be a match for the battery clip)Tape

The first thing you will do is to take the wire and clip it in half with your wire clippers. You really should try to make sure that the wire is platinum but if you can't get that kind of wire then copper wire should work.

Next you will need to wrap your wire around a nail. You will need to do this with both sides of the wire that you clipped. This is going to give you two coils of platinum or copper wire. After you have coiled the wire you will need to cut the lead wires of the battery. You will need to measure around ¾ of the way from the battery and then cut the leads there.

Take the battery leads and scrape off the insulation by using your scissors. You need to do this before you pull the insulation off of the leads. You don't need to cut very deep and you need to be very careful when you are using your scissors when you are doing the cutting.

After the leads are exposed you will need to wrap them around the coiled up wire that you set up earlier. This wire will act as your electrodes. Take your tape, which is best if it is electrical tape and tape the wires that come from the leads to the wire coils. Do this about half the way down the platinum or copper wires.

Now, take your new battery and attach it to your battery clip. Make sure to look for any bubbles in the battery water. This will mean that the molecules are being broken apart and this is what you want. Once you are done with this you can add your fuel cell to any electronic device that you might have. For instance connect a battery powered radio to your leads to see if the cell is working correctly. If the radio works then it means you just created your first fuel cell.

For more free Fuel & Energy Information download Charles' Free Fuel & Energy Information Pack at and join thousands of other people discovering and utilising free and alternative energy sources!

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How to Save On Gas and Electricity Charges

Recent times have seen an increase in the prices of gas and electricity. In fact, everyone is feeling the pinch of the inflation. Due to the high populations, there has been increased demand for these commodities and having in mind that it is a free market economy; the prices of these commodities have hit the roof. Unfortunately, this rise has not been counterbalanced by increases in incomes and therefore one is bound to be in a worse position. Reports have shown that in 2008, the costs of gas and electricity increased by about twenty percent. This situation is worsened by the unbalanced labour market which has ensured that people have less income to spend. The situation has necessitated the devising of strategies to reduce the pinch of the rise. The following tips should be helpful to you:

One way of reducing gas and electricity costs is to incorporate efficiency in the usage of energy in the home. This could be done in a variety of ways. First, you need to reduce the loss of energy. Studies show that a one-degree decrease in the heating of the house by the thermostats can lower the warming cost by an amount not exceeding ten percent. The heating bills can be reduced by the use of heavy curtains or double-glazing to reduce the loss of heat.

Disconnect all appliances not in use from outlet. It is important to acknowledge that even when not in use the appliances will still be engaging in the pulling of electricity. This condition is known as latent electricity. Disconnecting appliances like microwaves, radios, television, computers etc from the electricity outlet would cause a tremendous decrease in constant energy loss thus saving on the costs of gas and electricity.

Studies show that the most effective method of saving on the charges of gas and electricity is to incorporate proper insulation of the home. It would be important lost as well as wall insulation especially in the hollow space. Important too is the tight closing of windows and doors to prevent loss of heat.

It would be important to acknowledge that free market economy has availed a number of advantages. There is free entry and exit of market players. You should take advantage of situations where there is a wide range of gas and electricity suppliers. You should take your time to shop around for better and more accommodating packages. You should be able to save quite some bit of money through cheaper rates offered by other suppliers.

Replacing regular electrical items with energy saving ones- This has been found to be a very effective method of saving on your gas and electricity charges. Studies have shown that energy saving bulbs can lead to cost savings of up to ten pounds. This is quite an amount having in mind that shopping bills for homes are reported to have increased by approximately 750 pounds.

The important thing to do is incorporate market research to know how you can reduce your gas and electricity bills. What is more? You could be awarded a scholarship for improved efficiency in the use of gas and electricity in your home.

First Utility are one of the UK's leading energy suppliers providing the best prices on Gas and electricity. If you are looking to switch Gas and electricity please contact us today.

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How to Reduce The Pinch of Gas and Electricity Costs

Continued increase in the gas and electricity costs has hit many people hard in the recent times. Suddenly, you have to spend more than you used to on the same amount of goods and services or even less. This increase can only be attributed to increased demand for oil whose levels have continued decreasing thus driving the point home as to the limited nature of these resources. As expected, the rising demand for oil has driven the prices of commodities to an all time high thus constricting our finances and leaving us with less money to spend. This has been augmented by the instability in the labour market. Gas and electricity costs have been no exception. In fact, studies have shown that people are spending twenty per cent more on them. Nevertheless, all is not lost. You could incorporate a culture change so that you can save on the amounts you spend on these two commodities.

One thing you need to take stock of is the existing market structures. It is important to acknowledge that there are different players in the supply of gas and electricity. In this case therefore, you will be likely to have them competing for more sales. This is what you need to take advantage of. Conduct a market survey as to the suppliers who have more pocket-friendly packages. You may end up realizing that you are paying more than you would be if you were with another supplier.

Another thing that you need to do is conduct a sweep on the appliances that may be using more than they should. Technological advancement has bought about energy saving electrical items which would reduce the amounts you are spending tremendously. In fact, research has shown that you could cut the cost of the energy used in one bulb by up to ten pounds if only you would replace the regular light bulbs with the energy saving ones. One thing we have to acknowledge is that energy companies assign revised rates based on the spent monthly gas and electricity allowance.

While on that, it is important that we realise that many are the times we pay for gas and electricity that we did not use. How, you may ask. How many times have you left electrical items plugged onto the power outlet? Though we may not realise it, the appliances still pull electricity even when it is switched off a phenomenon known as latent electricity. Disconnecting appliances would lead to tremendous savings on the cost of gas and electricity.

Studies have shown however that the most valued ways of saving gas and electricity usage is correct insulation of our homes. This would incorporate closing up any cracks or cavities in the house as well as tight closure of doors and windows.

In addition, you could incorporate more efficient energy usage strategies in your home. Reduced usage of thermostat by even a degree is very effective in saving on heating costs. This could be done by having heavy curtains or double-glazing to cut on the heat loss.

The rise in gas and electricity does not have to put you down. With the right strategies and more efficient use of energy, you could make tremendous savings on gas and electricity costs.

First Utility are one of the UK's leading energy suppliers providing the best prices on Gas and electricity. If you are looking to switch Gas and electricity please contact us today.

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Viewsat Ethernet 2000 - The N3 Receiver

Viewsat users' longstanding demand of a new FTA receiver that has card sharing feature has finally been met and how! The brand new Internet ready Viewsat 2000 Ethernet FTA free to air satellite receiver does everything that the users' had always wanted, which also includes its ability to perform Internet Key Sharing (IKS), something that the users had wished to have the most.

So, let's explore the next generation FTA solution - The Viewsat Solution

The Viewsat 2000 Ethernet web unit with a fully secure Internet web server that is already up and running by Viewsat is truly a one of a kind receiver. With the Viewsat 2000 Ethernet unit you can make the receiver to change its own key codes by using the Viewsat sever setup. This unit has generated a lot of interest in the FTA community with the rumor mill working full time to churn out stories for public consumption. Which means all that you get to hear might not be correct. So there are some who are of the opinion that the reason for this new unit is to take care of new satellite provider changes and believe that old Viewsat units will cease to be operational in 5 months. Further, the story that is doing the rounds is that older Viewsats will not be able to beat the new changes every time and that nagra3 will be working up to its full potential only on Viewsat 2000 Ethernet. However, what experts at FTA FILES point out is that these are nothing more than just rumors that are there to confuse others rather than to convince. Though there's one thing about the new Viewsat Internet sharing box about which there is little scope for debate and that is, it can be used just like every other Viewsat unit and can be loaded by data-cable.

Another great thing with this software is that it allows you access to Premium Channels, with over 120 of them right now. So you get to enjoy channels like Comedy Central, MTV, Discovery Channel, Broadway Network, Game Network, MovieStat Network, National Geographic, Food Network, Cartoons, Show TV and so on. In fact, you even get to have HDTV (high definition television) channels as well!

The thing that sets Viewsat 2000 Ethernet apart from the rest is its excellent hardware with software support that is simply unbeatable. Users often tend to compare Viewsat 2000 Ethernet with other units such as the nFusion Nova or the Neosat IPro 2000 having similar capabilities. In this respect, the thing that can be said with surety is that both of these boxes are excellent units with both of them sharing the 'same' hardware and are in fact, made in the same plant. However, if you intend to buy nFusion Nova, you should be wary of the fact that with this unit, it is you who has to explicitly install the latest software and that the unit is not completely self updating, things that can make you go really mad. This in spite of the fact that the nFusion Nova too allows you to use IKS internet key sharing, which is much like the Viewsat 2000 Ethernet. What this means is that it allows the Internet to change your key codes automatically.

Not for nothing has Viewsat been the favorite of lot's of users. In fact, with Viewsat FTA receivers, what you get is unmatched support and great hardware, all at an unbeatable price. So if you are on the look out for a new generation FTA satellite receiver that can take in its stride all the new upcoming changes such as nagra3 key changing support and much more, pros at FTA KEYS would readily recommend you to look no further than this great new unit. Prices of the Viewsat 2000 Ethernet range around $200 - $250 and is currently available in the market right now.

So this is what the Viewsat Ethernet 2000 - The N3 Receiver is all about. While the above discussion can by no means considered as comprehensive, you can log on to FTA FORUM if there is anything else that you would like to know. Or if you wish to blog on this subject, FTA BLOG is where you can do that.

With a graduate degree in Computer Science and pursuing PG in the same field, Sovy has always had a passion for writing and continues to devote as much time as is possible in this field.

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Comparing Geothermal to Wind and Solar Energy

The wind, solar, and geothermal energies have two important things in common. They are non-polluting and do no deplete precious Earth resources. However, there are differences in their cost-effectiveness and environmental imprint.

The wind is actually a form of solar energy. Air moves as the sun warms the irregular terrain of Earth unevenly. Bodies of water and vegetation contributes to the flow. When gusts move the "propeller" of a wind turbine the kinetic energy generated is converted to mechanical force. This can be turned into the electricity we all depend on.

Though wind power produces no pollution, it does have an environmental effect. The turbines are responsible for the death of birds and bats that unwittingly fly into the propeller blades. The cost effectiveness of air current energy also varies with the geographical placement of turbines. Some areas of the world are breezier than others creating more power over the course of a day.

Solar panels have become a familiar sight in many parts of the world. To use the sun's light for power its rays are captured by different types of collectors (material that absorbs light). This can provide direct heat or is converted into another power source. One type of collector, photovoltaic cells, changes sunlight directly into electricity. Flat-plate collectors warm water by absorbing heat directly into it.

Sunlight technology is environmentally friendly although production of the collectors and storage units can pollute. Equipment is also expensive to produce making the electricity generated cost more than when using fossil fuels. Another drawback of solar power is that it operates only during the day. When daylight shortens in colder climates, even less power is generated over time.

The Earth's core is extremely hot. Temperatures there can reach above 9,000 degrees F. This heat flows outward and warms the planet's rock layer, or mantle. Most of the heated rock, called magma, remains underground. The force collected there (a geothermal reservoir) can be harvested as steam or hot water from the underground via direct-use systems, deep reservoirs to generate electricity, and geothermal heat pumps. Emissions and environmental imprint are minimal. The supply of geothermal dynamism is reliable and always available, increasing efficiency.

Though renewable power appears to cost nothing, harnessing, collecting, and transporting the energy is expensive. Structures built allowing renewable energy sources to perform work affect our environment for better or worse. The best type of renewable power to use depends on financial, environmental, and geographic considerations.

It's time to boost your energy efficiency and cut costs by using the incredible alternative energy resource of geothermal! Geo-Hydro Supply supplies all geothermal flow center and the insulation tap necessary to put in a geothermal system in your house. Wise up and secure geothermal energy for your home now!

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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Common Misconceptions About Alternative Energy Sources

Alternative and renewable sources of energy are just now getting to a point where we can actually begin to reap their benefits and are becoming more and more accessible to the general public. Because if this, it's becoming far more important for us to understand the differences between myths and facts when it comes to these different types of energy resources. I's really important to try and clear up any confusion there may be about them and what they are capable of and what their limitations might be at this time.

Below is a list of some of the different types of renewable resources and what they are and what they are used for:

Wind - This is energy that uses large windmills or wind turbines to gather up the streams of wind that will then turn the blades that will then operate generators that will produce our electricity.
Solar - Solar panels can work in a couple of different ways. Some are made to use the light of the sun and change it into an electric current through chemical reactions. The other will focus in on the heat energy of the sun which can heat water and then creates a steam that can be used to activate turbines that will produce electricity.
Hydroelectric - This is a power source that uses the power of waves or watering rushing in that will create electricity.
Biodiesel - Is the newest of them all and this is a source that uses organic biomass, such a corn or other plants to make chemical reactions that will produce a usable fuel for cars or for heating our homes.

One of the more common misconceptions or misunderstandings about the different alternative fuels is that many think that they will provide an immediate and complete replacement for the fossil fuel based energy that is still the major source of energy that we use. Unfortunately since the renewable energy is still in it's infancy, there is still a long way to go with regards to the research and development of systems that will produce efficient energy and enough of it to make it feasible to replace our fossil fuel systems.

Another misunderstanding is that people think that the cost of the alternative sources will not be that bad and the benefits will be far better. Remember, these sources are still in their infancy as compared to fossil fuels and that means that it will take a lot more money in the beginning to be able to find ways to maximize the efficiency of these renewable resources.

So this means that the cost to you and me will be probably no different than what we are paying now. It definitely will not be less, not for years to come. The best thing that would come from them at this stage of the game is that the footprint left behind by these resources will be immediately much less than that of the our current source of fuel.

No matter had bad that we want to believe that there is an energy source out there that is totally clean, there isn't. That is one of the biggest myths you find attached to alternative sources of energy that they are perfectly clean and that is simply not the truth. Although these resources are being designed to produce energy with the least amount of impact on our environment, the places that will provide this energy will still require resources to help build and maintain the facilities.

Also many forms of the renewable resources will not go on forever either. Such as water, with the continued growth of world populations, water will become a scare commodity and could once again start a new set of problems for energy throughout the world. Things like this need to be considered when switching to different sources of fuel and energy.

Although the different alternative energies cannot at this time completely replace fossil fuels they can however begin to lessen our dependence on them. Also, with all of the different possibilities on the horizon, an entire new industry will be created which in turn will create a need for new jobs and people to fill those jobs. So by beginning to turn our attention to the newer types of energy we can not only help to start cleaning up the environment but we will also be able to help a lot of the local economies along with the national economy gain in strength with more jobs.

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How to Seek Grants for Alternative Energy R & D

If you are someone who wishes to begin researching and developing alternative energy technologies and you would want to be set up as a not-for-profit organization or entity, you will want to look into getting government grants, on both the state and the federal levels.

Government grants for alternative energy research and development have been highly touted by politicians on local, state, and federal levels in recent years, all the way up to the President himself.

This is due to the fact that we now recognize as a society that we need to seek out and develop alternative energy sources to those of the fossil fuels that we presently depend upon, as these fuels are not only slowly but surely running out (at least cheap access to digging them up is running out), but also damaging to the environment and air quality.

There is a fairly vast array of government grant programs available for you to check into. The great and most important thing to keep in mind about a government grant is that it's essentially free money.

It is not a loan, you don't pay any interest, and you don't ever have to give the money back. However, qualifying for these grants, as you might imagine with something involving the government and free money, has quite a lot of restrictions attached to it.

Not only is qualification based on purpose and need in the eyes and opinions of government bureaucrats, but just because you qualify does not mean that you necessarily get the grant. As Marshall McLuen put it, “the medium is the message”.

The fact of the matter is that it is typically easier to apply for and qualify to receive a business loan—but then, that would not be free money, that would be something you owed to someone, and with interest on top.

There are professional grant writers who know how to write proposals in such a way that they get around the heavy load of restrictions set up by the government, and you might need to resort to one of these.

Even governments employ professional grant writers to seek money from other branches of the government, such as a country government needing funding from the state or the federal government.

These people also keep abreast of what government grants are still or newly available and what ones have been removed from the table. It's an intricate web, so one must not get tangled up in when seeking needed financial backing for alternative energy research and development.

In fact, it is so complex that in the last decade or so the ranks of profession writers, as both individuals and as entire companies, have swelled. It is a profitable business—and this can make it fraught with illegal actions and controversial claims.

Nevertheless, each year there are many thousands of grants awarded throughout the United States for the purpose of helping the public. And again, with the government endorsement of grant money to be given to alternative energy researchers, you could very well get what you seek.

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Why We Will Never Run Out Of Oil

As I write this, oil prices have popped up over $100 again and I am staring at what are nearly $5 a gallon gas prices in lovely Southern California. I am told oil depletion is to blame. In truth, we will never run out of oil.


Oil prices are bouncing through the $100 mark again, much to my chagrin. This is translating in many ways to all of us whether it be at the pump or elsewhere. The question is why is this happening? Some of it is the war in Libya. Sorry, non-war. Some of it is speculation as investors look for something other than the fading dollar. What seems to be clear is this time it is not about oil supply. The supplies held by countries are actually showing rather large surpluses. So, should you dismiss supply arguments overall? No.

Peak Oil

You might think this is an article pounding on those who believe in peak oil. You would be wrong. I actually am one of those believers, although I must admit "believers" sounds rather cultish. Regardless, I do believe we are seeing a peak in world wide oil production. This does not mean that we are running out of oil. It simply means there will be less of it moving forward. This will cause price spikes, probably wars and general bad things until we convert to something else.

Run Out?

This begs a question, however. Will we ever run out of oil? I think not. Oh, perhaps in a million years or so, but not in our lifetimes by a long stretch. How can I say this if I believe in the concept of peak oil? It is simple. Peak oil does not suggest we are running out of the stuff, only that we will be able to produce less of it moving forward.

Perhaps a better way to say it is we are running out of easy oil. Oil in its liquid form is lighter than water. This mean is literally will float up to the surface of the ground in some areas where it is plentiful, such as in Nigeria. This form of oil is easy to produce because you simply cap it and send it down to refineries or ships for transport. It is also easy to produce a lot of it at once. I'm obviously oversimplifying, but this is the basic idea. Unfortunately, this is the oil we have peaked in and are seeing production rates drop for dramatically.

Other Sources

Fortunately, there are other sources of oil. The tar sands of Canada are an example. There is a huge amount of oil there, but it is in the form of muck. It is not easy to produce. It is also very difficult to produce a lot of it at once because there are massive amounts of water needed as well as processing and the like. We will be able to produce oil from it for a long time, but it will cost a lot more to produce. More importantly, there are real question about how much we can produce a day given the water and technical needs. This is true for shale and other sources as well.

Will we every run out of oil? Perhaps in the far distant future, but not in our lifetimes. That doesn't mean that we won't be paying a lot more for the unconventional sources we will need to tap to make up for the loss of easy crude as we move forward.

Patrick Sampson writes about peak oil for

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How Much Can You Save Using Solar Power?

Most people now realize that carbon based energy sources like coal and oil are polluting the planet that we all share. Now there is some debate about global warming, but there can be no doubt that all the military conflicts in the Middle East are the result of power struggles over a shrinking oil supply.

So the fact is that alternative energy is here to stay, and it's only going to continue to grow. In fact in time enough homes will be relying on it, that by definition it won't be considered alternative. When that day comes wind and solar power will be considered mainstream.

So then how much can you save using solar energy because unless you are one of the people who has been sent over to some far flung desert region to fight over oil, that second point can seem moot to some folks. You just want your lights to come on and your household appliances to work and you want it all to happen for the best price possible.

The simple answer to that question is easy. It's around 30% as it stands right now. That is that the power that today's solar panels at today's prices will produce over the course of its service life will be valued at 30% less than its cost.

So buy a nice big $1,000 solar panel, put it up on your roof and by the time it's done and read to be sent off to have its materials recycled in about 25 years, it will have produced about $1,333 dollars or pounds worth of electricity. However, there is a catch.

That catch is that the cost of power only continues to rise and all you have to do is look at a power bill from 25 years ago to see that the above equation is going to change. That is that $1,000 solar panel you buy and stick up on your roof will for sure be producing more savings.

How much more? Now that's a very difficult question to answer because utility suppliers tend to be very tight lipped about how much they plan on screwing over their customers in the coming months, and years.

So then with all that is known, why isn't every home owner on the planet scrambling up on their roof right now to hook up a solar power system? The answer is simple and that's that they have to buy it and have it installed, and it seems easier to just continue to pay a monthly power bill. However soon enough, prices on solar technology will come down and the sensible option will be solar panels on many homes across the world.

Myriad design, supply and install Solar PV photovoltaic systems to the commercial, industrial, public and agricultural sectors. Using the most efficient technology available a Myriad system will save money and the environment.For More Details Visit:

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How To Make Your Own Fuel From Switchgrass!

Some of the more promising advances with fuel technology is the creation of bio fuels. This is where the natural sugars in plants are refined and made into ethanol which can be added to the gasoline in a lot of the newer cars. Making your own ethanol really isn't all that difficult but if you are considering doing something like this it would be a good idea if you got a hold your local regulators to make sure that you are allowed to do something like this. Understand that you need a lot of land and the right equipment to do this. So this is actually directed more to those who farm than anyone else.

The first step you need to take is to get some switchgrass seeds and plant the seeds in early spring on a patch of land you have chosen just for this grass. This is a grass that is native to North America and doesn't need very much watering or fertilizing.

After the grass has grown, you will want to harvest the grass in fall right after the first frost of the season. You will need to cut it down and put it into bales in order to process. You will need to mow down your grass with a tractor that has a mower attached to it and then you will need a towed baler as well.

Once the grass is in bales, to process it you will need to cut the bales into little bits so that you expose the surface area as much as you can. This will expose the enzymes that will need to release all of the sugars that are n the cellulose of the grass. This is called enzymatic hydrolysis.

Next you will dump all of the grass chunks into a very large tank of water and you will need to add some cellulosic enzymes. This is what will transform the actual cellulose in the grass into sugars that will ferment. This is the most expensive part of the process, so be aware of that.

Next you need to drain the water and add yeast, this is what will help to ferment the sugars more and will assist in the processing of the ethanol. It's pretty much the same way that you would make wine.

You will then need to boil off all of the water so that you can separate the ethanol from the water and it will need to be collected in a separate tank. Once the ethanol is in a separate tank you will need to add benzene or cyclohexane to this mixture so that the ethanol your produce will be pure. These chemicals are what will bind the molecules together and remove all of the remaining water molecules that might be present. You can also use microscopic filters instead to do this final step of processing the ethanol gas.

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Can You Survive $5 Gas?

Oil prices are up and you know what that means. Yep, gas prices are up. The question is whether you can survive paying $5 a gallon for gas at the pump. Here are some thought and tips on dealing with these gas prices.


If these gas prices look familiar, they should. We've had them before - back in 2008. That was the last time when prices went up over $100 a barrel for oil. In fact, they went up over $140 for a bit of time. I'm sure we all remember what happened next. People stopped spending money and the economy went into the tank. The silver lining of the Great Recession was demand for oil dropped dramatically and so did prices. In fact, they fell to nearly $20 a barrel at one point.

Something similar will happen again. Pundits are suggesting we are ready for $5 a gallon gas. Well, they must be getting paid a lot more than I am because I certainly am not ready for it and I bet you aren't either. Enough people are not that we should see demand start to fall again soon and that will bring prices down as well.


Is there anything you can do until prices come down again? Yes. You just need to use some common sense in your approach to life. The first step is to get your car tuned up. Out of tune cars use excessive amounts of gas. Second, try to drive a bit closer to the speed limit instead of as though you are on a qualifying lap for the Daytona 500. Lead footing it around reduces the old bank account something fierce. Third, try planning out your day a bit better. Instead of taking three trips to run errands, try getting it all done in one. These are obviously basic things, but they add up and at $5 a gallon, they can make a real difference real quick.


If I could predict the future, I would not be writing this. I would have invested in... oh, Microsoft, Google, Apple and Exxon when they went public. Sadly, this did not occur. Very sadly!

Today, however, we can predict the future. It is one with higher oil prices. China, India and other countries are growing like mad. They want the lifestyle we have and that means more energy needs. Put another way, they are going to need more oil and gas. We currently have roughly 300 million people in the United States and use 19 million barrels of oil a day. China has a few billion people in its population and uses less than 8 million barrels a day. As more of its billions start buying cars, what do you think will happen to oil prices? Yep, they are going to be going up.

Plan ahead. Start looking at alternative energy approaches to avoid these problems. More fuel efficient cars are the way to go for transport. You might also start growing a little garden because food prices will skyrocket along with oil since it is the critical to fertilizers and moving the food.

Can you survive $5 gas? Yes. More importantly, you need to start thinking about a future where oil prices are going to be much higher and take action now to minimize the future pain.

Patrick Sampson writes about peak oil for

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About Wind Energy - Its Pros and Cons

There are many who think that the concept of wind energy is relatively new. However, this is not the case. About five thousand years ago, the Egyptians were already using the sails in their ships to channel the wind and make their sea vessels faster and efficient. Also, somewhere between 500 to 900 A.D. Persia had already designed and developed the grain-grinding and water-pumping systems. The mechanism of these machines was supported by the wind energy.

The world as a whole realized the critical issue of depletion of the resources, when it first faced problems due to the shortage of oil in the previous century. Since then, engineers and researchers are trying to craft solutions to make the best use of the renewable energy resources. Wind, too is being used as a source to produce energy that can be used in place of oil. There are several benefits of using wind energy, which include;

1. Minimal or zero pollution

Wind itself is a natural and healthy power source, which can be converted to energy with the help of the machines called 'turbines'. However, this conversion does not involve burning or combustion of any sort. Thus, wind energy features a green and pollution-free alternative to oil.

2. Cost efficiency

Since the wind itself is a renewable resource, it is not inclined to get exhausted or be used up entirely. This makes wind energy a cheaper option than the other renewable energy sources.

The machine used for the generation of energy is referred to as the 'turbine'. The turbines are of two types; the horizontal-axis turbines and the vertical-axis turbines.The horizontal-axis turbines however, are more commonly used and they can be as tall as a twenty story building. The top three energy generating states in the United States of America are; California, Iowa and Minnesota. The generation of wind energy by California is more than twice the energy generation of any other state.

Despite the many benefits, there are certain disadvantages as well, which are associated with the generation of wind energy.

1. Beauty and noise pollution

The wind turbines need to be installed in the open areas. The regions where the economies benefit from tourism, will be adversely affected with the installation of the wind turbines.Moreover, there are others who have shown concern about the noisy of the turbines as well.

2. Effect on wild birds

According to the studies conducted by the wildlife researchers, using wind to generate energy is likely to harm the wild birds and their visual impact on land and sea.

Here in this article you will learn about wind energy and green energy.

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Saving Energy Is Important - Easy Ways in Which You Can Conserve on Electricity!

There are a variety of different things that you and your family can do to save on the electricity that you use in your home. A lot of the things that you can do are free or just cost very little to switch over to. The biggest thing about trying to conserve on electricity is the discipline. It takes discipline to break our old habits which tend to be quite wasteful when you come to think about it.

An easy thing that you can do to start conserving is simply turning off all of your lights that you absolutely do not need and are not really being used. This is especially true during the summer months when it stays daylight a lot longer than the other months of the year.

During the summer months especially you can also help by trying to let in as much of the sunlight that you can. This means you should try and open up all of your blinds or curtains as soon as you get up in the morning and keep them open until the sun has set in the evenings.

Cut down on using your stove top as well as your oven. You can do this by using a slow cooker or crockpot for a lot of the things that you need to have cooked. These can save you 80% as compared to cooking with your oven or stove top. You can also save a lot of energy if you use your microwave more to cook items you might normally cook in the oven or on the stove top.

Instead of using overhead lighting for working at your desk or at your computer, you should consider getting a small desk lamp that you can situate to where it will cast enough light on the area that you are working with. It's always advisable that if the task you are working on is a small task in a confined area that all you should use is a small light.

Another thing you might consider doing is try not watching so much TV and also consider not using the computers in your home as often. Get together with your family and try to come up with other things to do besides things that have to do with electronics. This might be tough but you might think it's kind of fun to get outside once and a while and play with the kids. It's also healthier in the long run.

You need to keep that refrigerator cold and you're not going to get that done if you stand there for 10 minutes staring inside of it with the door wide open. You know your kids do it and this is something that needs to be stopped. You should get what you need and shut the door right away. You also need to keep the cooling coils cleaned and in good shape. If you have an old refrigerator you might want to consider investing in one that has the Energy Star rating.

Make sure that all of the lighting in your home is positioned to where you are getting the most potential out of the light itself. You don't need light shining in a corner where no one ever sits or goes to. Shine lights only where you know they are needed.

When doing your dishes in the dishwasher make sure that you fill it to as full as it can get and still get the dishes clean. And when you are doing the laundry, if you have a backyard and it's good weather consider hanging up a clothes line and drying your clothes outside and save on the dryer as much and as often as you can.

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Renewable Energy Sources - Solar Power

What's not to love about solar power? The sun is what allows life to exist on this planet. Since man invented the light-bulb, we've been trying to harness and illuminate the inside of our world the way the sun does outside. To date, the power to light our world and operate our equipment comes primarily from combustion. We ignite fuel (primarily petroleum-based), and use the energy produced to spin turbines and generate the electricity we need to live in this modern world. The sun is the quintessential combustion engine; its heat and energy creating and sustaining a constant cycle of more heat and energy. So why then, has it taken until now to begin harnessing this power for our own needs? The answer, like most business decisions, is cost.

Until now, it has been cheaper to create a combustion reaction here on earth and then to harness it from the sun. The ability to convert solar rays into usable energy has been around since the late 1800s. Initially it was solar-thermal power, where the rays heated steam and propelled a small engine. Eventually, the solar cell was developed, using certain elements that reacted electrically when exposed to solar rays. Using either of these actions on a scale great enough to power an electric society is an immense undertaking. Only recently, with the scarcity of oil, have we seen a shift to an affordable solar apparatus.

Given the current focus on renewable energy, the supply side of the solar business is becoming more affordable. In addition, there are government and private programs available for people who wish to generate solar power. Unlike the current power grid, a solar generation occurs primarily on a site by site basis. While there are large scale solar farms, any flat area with sun exposure is a candidate for solar panels. This puts the power in the hands of the people who need it most. And in this authors opinion, it will not be long before every rooftop has a solar panel on it.

Unfortunately, in a regulated utility market, you cannot just plug in a panel and start playing video games again. This means you are still a part of the national electric grid, for better or worse. Better, because you can still have power at night or on cloudy days. Worse, because you still have to deal with the electric company.

The most obvious cost benefit to solar is that your business or home will require less power from the grid. You can tailor the size of your solar panels around your monthly electric usage. If you decide to generate solar, your electric meter will actually turn backwards at times when you are generating more electricity than you use. This results in significant monthly savings, as the supply portion of your utilities bill will be reduced.

In many states, like my home of New Jersey, you can actually get paid for your efforts. While you cannot physically sell the power you make, you can receive rebates and savings through state programs. In NJ, this is done through SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credits). These are given on a monthly basis based on the number of KW/h your solar panels generate. The credits are a tradeable commodity, with market price subject to supply and demand. Utility companies are required to buy a certain number of these credits each year. The credits are expected to go down in value predictably as more people enter the market by generating their own solar. Therefore, solar producers are encouraged to sell them as they earn them.

Another way to save/earn money from solar is to lease your affordable space to an entity that will use it to produce solar. Leasing your available space will provide monthly rent from an area of real estate that was presently unable to produce income. Large rooftops, especially distribution centers or office spaces, are prime candidates for this arrangement. Any company with a usable roof should consider setting up some form of solar generation. What else are you going to put on the roof that will earn you money?

Ideally, you would want to reduce your utilities bill and earn SRECs by producing solar on your own. But it is still a costly investment, and if you cannot make it on your own, there are plenty of people with abundant funds and limited space. There is financing available that can be secured in exchange for the SRECs generated by the system that is financed. With all this help, there is no reason not to capture the wave and build solar today.

There is no doubt that green energy is here to stay. And it is not just for the eco-friendly anymore. Government programs have made it very easy for any investor to make solar improvements. Technology advancements are making it ever cheaper to put them in place. Do some research and talk to an energy consultant. I think you will find yourself warming up to the idea of a solar powered world.

If you would like to get information about this for your business or home go to Here

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History of Famous British Engineers

History of Famous British Engineers

Britains history is made up of very famous engineers all through their history. This has made me decide to list just some of the most famous with links to websites with more details on the various engineers.

Thomas Savery (1650-1715)
Thomas Savery was an English military engineer and inventor who in 1698, patented the first crude steam engine.Please click here for more details.

James Watt (1736-1819)
Was the son of a merchant, was born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1736. At the age of nineteen Watt was sent to Glasgow learn the trade of a mathematical-instrument maker.

After spending a year in London, Watt returned to Glasgow in 1757 where he established his own instrument-making business. Watt soon developed a reputation as a high quality engineer and was employed on the Forth & Clyde Canal and the Caledonian Canal. He was also engaged in the improvement of harbours and in the deepening of the Forth, Clyde and other rivers in Scotland. Please click here for details.

Thomas Telford (1757-1834) (Famous Bridge Builder)
Was the son of a shepherd, was born in Westerkirk, Scotland in 1757. At the age of 14 he was apprenticed to a stonemason. He worked for a time in Edinburgh and in 1792 he moved to London where he was involved in building additions to Somerset House. Two years later he found work at Portsmouth dockyard. Please click here for more details.

George Stephenson (1781- 1848)

Was a British engineer who designed a famous and historically important steam-powered locomotive named Rocket, and is known as the Father of British Steam Railways.

George Stephenson was born in Wylam, England, 9.3 miles (15 km) west of Newcastle upon Tyne. In 1748, a wagonway -- an arrangement similar to a railway, but with wooden tracks and designed to support horse-drawn carts -- had been built from the Wylam colliery to the River Tyne, running for several miles (several km). The young Stephenson grew up near it, and in 1802 gained employment as an engine-man at a coal mine. For the next ten years his knowledge of steam engines increased, until in 1812 he stopped operating them for a living, and started building them. Please click here for more details.

Charles Babbage (1791-1871) (Inventor of First Computer)
Charles Babbage was born in Teignmouth, Devon, in 1791. Educated at Trinity College Cambridge, he spent most of his life trying to build calculating machines. The first of these was designed to calculate tables of logarithms and similar functions by repeated addition performed by gear wheels. A small prototype model of the difference engine was produced in 1822 and this resulted in him receiving a government grant to build a full-sized machine. Please click here for more details.

Robert Stephenson (1803-1859)
In 1827 he began work on the Rocket locomotive. Robert's abilities as an engineer was illustrated by the success of the Rocket at the Rainhill Trials in October, 1829.
Please click here for more details.

Isaambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859)
Was born in Portsmouth on 9th April, 1806. He was educated at Hove, near Brighton. In 1823 Brunel went to work with his father on the building of the Thames Tunnel. He was later to be appointed as resident engineer at the site.

In 1829 Brunel designed a suspension bridge to cross the River Avon at Clifton. His original design was rejected on the advice of Thomas Telford, but an improved version was accepted but the project had to be abandoned because of a lack of funds. Please click here for more details.

Sir William Arrol (1839-1913)
Sir William Arrol was born in 1839 and became famous for his building of the Forth Rail Bridge between North and South Queensferry in Scotland. The bridge with its three cantilever towers which are each 104m (340 feet) high was the design of Sir John Fowler (1817-98) and Sir Benjamin Baker (1840 - 1907) and was constructed by Arrol at a cost of some £2½ million. Building began in 1883 and took seven years to complete; the Prince of Wales at the time (later to become King Edward VII) finished the construction by driving home an inscribed gold rivet on 4th of March 1890. Please click here for more details.

Thomas Andrews (1873-1912)
Born in Comber (pronounced cum-ber), County Down, Thomas Andrews was the son of a politician and a mother whose father owned Belfast's Harland and Wolff shipyard. In 1884 at the age of 11 Andrews entered the Belfast Academic Institute and left in 1889 to become an apprentice at Harland and Wolff where his parents paid the sum of £100 for his apprenticeship. Please click here for more details.

R.J.Mitchell (1893-1937) (Inventor of the Spitfire)
Perhaps Mitchell's greatest legacy was the Spitfire single-seat fighter, designed between 1934 and 1936. It was a hybrid of many diverse technical developments. Using high-speed flight experience gained through the Schneider Trophy successes, influences from the German aircraft manufacturer, Junkers, and learning vital lessons from Supermarine's unsuccessful Type 224, the Spitfire was a masterpiece of practical engineering design that Mitchell would never see fly in combat. Please click here for more details.

Sir Frank Whittle (1907-1996) (Inventor of the Jet Engine)
Whittle's jet-propelled Gloster E28 took its first flight on 15th May, 1941 and travelled at speeds of 350 mph. This was followed by the Gloster Meteor that was used to intercept German V1 Flying Bomb. Power Jets Company was taken over by the British government in 1944. Please click here for more details.

Sir Christopher Cockerell (1910-1999) (Inventor of the Hovercraft)
In 1953 Cockerell began work on his invention the hovercroft. After successful experiments on Oulton Broad, Cockerell approached the government National Research Development Council (NRDC) who invested £1,000 in his invention. However, it took him another three years before he got full commercial backing for his project. Please click here for more details.

Below is a list of more British Engineers with links to their biographys.
James Abernethy - Scottish canal, marine and bridge engineer

John Aird - English engineer from the late 19th century

David Anderson - Scottish civil engineer and lawyer

William George Armstrong - British engineer and 22nd president of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Sir William Arrol - Scottish engineer involved with the construction of the Tay Rail Bridge, Forth Railway Bridge and Tower Bridge
Sir Ove Arup - Founder of Arup
John Aspinall - British railway engineer

Benjamin Baker - English engineer in late 19th century

James Arthur Banks - British Dam engineer
Robert Barker - English railway engineer who also played in the first ever football international game.
Peter W. Barlow - English engineer in late 19th century. Notable for Lambeth Bridge (old) and tunnelling shield
William Henry Barlow - English engineer in late 19th century; railway engineering
Sir John Wolfe-Barry - English engineer in late 19th century; designed Tower Bridge
John Frederic La Trobe Bateman - British hydraulic engineer
Sir Joseph Bazalgette - English engineer in late 19th century;
Sir George Berkley - British railway engineer
George Parker Bidder - British engineer; railways, telegraphs and hydraulics
Sir Alexander Binnie - English engineer in late 19th century; tunnels and bridges across the Thames
William Binnie - British waterworks engineer, son of the above
John Blenkinsop - English engineer in mid 19th century; railways, locomotives and mining
Benjamin Blyth - Scottish railway engineer
Benjamin Blyth II - Scottish railway engineer, first practising Scottish engineer to become president of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Sir Thomas Bouch - English engineer in late 19th century; first Tay Rail Bridge disaster
William Bragge - English engineer in the 19th century
Frederick Bramwell - British Engineer
James Brindley - English engineer from mid 18th century - canals and watermills
John Alexander Brodie - City Engineer of Liverpool and inventor of the football goal net
George Barclay Bruce - English railway engineer
Henry Marc Brunel - English engineer in late 19th century.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - English engineer in mid 19th century - designed Great Western Railway, a series of famous steamships, and important bridges.
James Brunlees - Scottish engineer notable for designing Southend Pier
Peter Bruff - English engineer in 19th century. Notable for work in Clacton on Sea
Sir George Buchanan - British civil engineer associated with harbour works in Burma, Iraq and Bombay, during early 20th century.
William Tierney Clark - English engineer in mid 19th century; suspension bridges
Reginald Coates - British civil engineer and academic
John Coode - English engineer, notable for work on Portland Harbour
Henry Cronin - British civil engineer
William Cubitt - English engineer in 19th century.
Jonathan Davidson - British civil engineer
Sydney Donkin - British civil, mechanical and electrical engineer
Francis Drake
Thomas Dadford Junior - canals
Robert Elliott-Cooper - British civil engineer
William Henry Ellis - British civil engineer and steel maker
Joshua Field - telegraph cables, sewerage
Maurice Fitzmaurice - Irish bridge, dam and tunnel engineer
Ken Fleming - Northern Irish civil engineer and piling and foundations specialist
Sanford Fleming - railroads, time zone
Sir John Fowler - bridges
Sir Charles Fox - British railway engineer
Charles Douglas Fox - British railway engineer
Thomas Pierson Frank - British civil engineer
Ralph Freeman - English bridge and highways engineer
Buckminster Fuller
Angus Fulton - British civil engineer
William George Nicholson Geddes - Scottish engineer
Alexander Gibb - Scottish railway and military engineer
Alfred Giles - British civil engineer
William Glanville - British highways engineer
Charles Hutton Gregory - railways,
William Grierson - British railway engineer
John Griffith - Irish engineer
Sir William Halcrow - tunnels
Benjamin Hall, 1st Baron Llanover - Big Ben
Archibald Milne Hamilton - Callender-Hamilton Bridge and Hamilton Road in Kurdistan
Dr Edmund Hambly - British structural engineer
Sir William Gordon Harris - British docks and roads engineer
Thomas Elliott Harrison - British railway and bridge engineer
Arthur Hartley - British oil engineer
Sir John Hawkshaw - British railway and harbour engineer
John Clarke Hawkshaw - British engineer, son of the above
Thomas Hawksley - English engineer noted for his work on water supplies
Charles Hawksley - Son of the above, also a water engineer
Harrison Hayter - British railway and harbour engineer
Brodie Henderson - British railway engineer
Hugh Henshall - British canal engineer and student of James Brindley
Roger Hetherington - British civil engineer
Roger Gaskell Hetherington - British Ministry of Health civil engineer
Clement Hindley - British railway engineer
George Humphreys - British civil engineer
James Charles Inglis, British engineer
John Holmes Jellett - docks and harbours
John B. Jervis - canals and railroads
William Jessop - canals
Albert Mussey Johnson - helped design Scotty's Castle.
Theodore Judah - railroads
Edward Judge - bridges
Alexander Kennedy - British maritime and electrical engineer and academic
Kirby Laing - former chairman of John Laing plc
Anthony George Lyster - British docks engineer
John MacAdam - roads
Sir John MacNeill - railways
William Mahone - plank road, railways
Robert Manning - Open channel flow
James Mansergh - English railway, water supply and sewage engineer
William Marriott - English railway engineer
William Matthews - British harbour engineer
William Maw - British railway engineer
Sir Henry Maybury - British railway and highways engineer
John Robinson McClean - British engineer, railways, water supply
Conde McCullough - bridges
Scott McMorrow - playwright, poet, and engineer
John Miller (engineer), 19th century Edinburgh-based railway engineer (Grainger & Miller)
Guilford Lindsey Molesworth - English railway engineer
General Sir John Monash GCMG, KCB, VD - bridges and precast concrete (also Commander of the Australian Corps in World War I)
Charles Langbridge Morgan - British civil engineer
James Morgan - Regent's Canal
Basil Mott - mines, tunnels, bridges
Sir Alan Muir Wood - British tunnelling engineer
Benjamin Outram - canals
William N. Page - railways, mining
Frederick Palmer - Dockyards
William Barclay Parsons
Thomas Paton - British dam engineer
Allan Quartermaine - British civil engineer
Robert Rawlinson - English canal engineer and sanitarian
Richard Redmayne - British mining and civil engineer
Vernon Robertson - British civil engineer
Alexander Ross (engineer) - Scottish railway engineer
Leopold Halliday Savile - British reservoir engineer
Robert Stephenson - railways
Robert Stevenson - lighthouses
John Edward Thornycroft - British ship builder and president of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Ernest Crosbie Trench - British railway engineer
William Unwin - British civil and materials engineer
Charles Blacker Vignoles - British railway engineer
James Walker
William Kelly Wallace - Irish railway engineer
André Waterkeyn designed the Atomium
John Duncan Watson - British sewage treatment engineer
David Mowat Watson - British civil engineer
Francis Wentworth-Shields - British civil engineer
William Henry White - British engineer and chief constructor of the Admiralty
William Willcocks - British irrigation engineer served in India and Egypt
Edward Leader Williams - canals, bridges
George Ambler Wilson - British port engineer
Norman D. Wilson - mass transit
John Wolfe-Barry
A. Baldwin Wood - pumps
Edward Woods - British railway engineer
William Barton Worthington - British railway engineer
Robert Wynne-Edwards - British tunnel and pipeline engineer
Andrew Yarranton - English navigation engineer
A to Z Scientists and Engineering Encyclopedia

Please visit my Funny Animal Art Prints Collection @

My other website is called Directory of British Icons:

The Chinese call Britain The Island of Hero's which I think sums up what we in Britain are all about.

Copyright © 2010 Paul Hussey. All Rights Reserved.

My name is Paul Hussey and I was born in Portsmouth, England on the same day as my brother Mark, but a year later, in 1962.

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China on Track to Dominate Clean Energy by Locking Up Rare Earth Market

Rare earth may determine the future of clean energy.

I'm not talking about Gil Bridges and Ray Monette of the rock band Rare Earth, noted for such hits as "Get Ready" and "I Just Want to Celebrate," although that does make a sort of poetic sense. The band is back together and touring, after all.

This is about potential Canworld domination by China of an industry so important, it's success or failure may mean the difference between survival and mass evacuation in low-lying countries like Bangladesh.

Much of the clean energy industry depends upon extremely obscure elements that have come to be known as rare earth. They have names like lanthanum, cerium, yttrium and neodymium and are used in the manufacture of electric car batteries, wind turbines and solar panels. China has spent the past several years locking up supply of these elements, planning ahead and banking on their value escalating.

And the stakes are high. The recent study, "Energy Policy," by Stanford University professors Mark Delucchi and Mark Jacobson says wind, water and solar could supply all of our energy needs in 20 to 40 years. While that may be unlikely given today's energy mix, the sector is sure to increase despite the domination of increasingly costly and damaging fossil fuels.

Rare earth elements, while relatively abundant in the Earth's crust, are hard to find in "minable concentrations," as the U.S. Geological Survey explains in its 2010 rare earth report. Thus the problem -- and the name.

China, according to USGS, has reserves of 55 million metric tons, while the United States has 19 million metric tons. Both countries dominate known reserves. However, China is better positioned to take advantage of its mines.

"China accounts for 97 percent of the worldwide rare earth metal production and the country's new export quotas have caused prices to skyrocket," write Euan Sadden and Kerry-Ann Adamson of Boulder, Colo.-based Pike Research in the May 2011 report "Rare Earth Metals in the Cleantech Industry."

That means if a company wants to build batteries, wind turbines or solar panels, it likely must get its materials from China. However, the Chinese are hardly slouches at trade and their manufacturers have already begun to dominate production of solar panels. Analysts say they intend to the same with the rest of the cleantech industry.

U.S. and European companies looking to build the massive collector sites for wind may find themselves with no other competitive alternative other than purchasing from Chinese suppliers. And for an emerging industry dependent upon falling prices for more universal adoption reliance on a single source could be bad. Real bad.

Ian Fletcher, author of "Free Trade Doesn't Work" and Huffington Post blogger, frames the debate in simple terms.

"Why are they important? For example, the so-called rare earths among these materials are needed to make the super-strong magnets that are needed whenever you want to mechanically generate (or consume) electricity efficiently," Fletcher writes in a recent post. And he says that according to estimates in the recent book "Red Alert," by Stephen Leeb, a 3-megawatt wind turbine contains about 2 tons of rare earth metals.

"Even a humble Toyota Prius contains 22 pounds of lanthanum in its battery," he says. "No lanthanum, no electric cars."

But the news isn't all bad.

Fletcher noted that Congress in 2010 passed the Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act, which states that it is meant to "to assure the long-term, secure, and sustainable supply of rare earth materials sufficient to satisfy the national security, economic well-being, and industrial production needs of the United States."

This apparently kept the Mountain Pass mine in California's Mohave desert in domestic hands. Fletcher said Australia similarly checked a Chinese buyout in 2009.

Activity at the Mountain Pass mine, according to USGS, resumed operation in 2007, producing refined rare earth products. The federal agency's report also detailed efforts to develop other commercial-grade mine sites, saying that investment and exploration "surged" in 2010. Sites included Bear Lodge in Wyoming; Diamond Creek in Idaho; Elk Creek in Nebraska; Hoidas Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada; Lemhi Pass in Idaho-Montana; and Nechalacho (Thor Lake) in Northwest Territories, Canada.

Other sites included Dubbo Zirconia in New South Wales, Australia; Kangankunde in Malawi; Mount Weld in Western Australia, Australia; and Nolans Project in Northern Territory, Australia.

The jury's still out. China's in serious production mode as only a state-controlled economy can dictate. But U.S. capitalism has a way of overcoming challenges. The clean energy industry, at least from a purely job creation perspective, offers some very good opportunities worldwide.

It would be nice for the home team to win this one or at least become a World Cup scale competitor.

In the meantime, the band Rare Earth offers this bit of wisdom I'd like to see implemented: "Fe Fi Fo Fo Fum, Look out baby now here I come."

Mike Nemeth, project manager of the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization, spent 24 years working as a newspaperman editing and reporting from Alaska to California. The SJVCEO is a nonprofit dedicated to improving quality of life through increased use of clean and alternative energy. The SJVCEO is based in Fresno, Calif. and works with cities and counties and public and private organizations to demonstrate the benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy throughout the eight-county region of the San Joaquin Valley. For more information, go to

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