Wednesday 8 June 2011

How Much Can You Save Using Solar Power?

Most people now realize that carbon based energy sources like coal and oil are polluting the planet that we all share. Now there is some debate about global warming, but there can be no doubt that all the military conflicts in the Middle East are the result of power struggles over a shrinking oil supply.

So the fact is that alternative energy is here to stay, and it's only going to continue to grow. In fact in time enough homes will be relying on it, that by definition it won't be considered alternative. When that day comes wind and solar power will be considered mainstream.

So then how much can you save using solar energy because unless you are one of the people who has been sent over to some far flung desert region to fight over oil, that second point can seem moot to some folks. You just want your lights to come on and your household appliances to work and you want it all to happen for the best price possible.

The simple answer to that question is easy. It's around 30% as it stands right now. That is that the power that today's solar panels at today's prices will produce over the course of its service life will be valued at 30% less than its cost.

So buy a nice big $1,000 solar panel, put it up on your roof and by the time it's done and read to be sent off to have its materials recycled in about 25 years, it will have produced about $1,333 dollars or pounds worth of electricity. However, there is a catch.

That catch is that the cost of power only continues to rise and all you have to do is look at a power bill from 25 years ago to see that the above equation is going to change. That is that $1,000 solar panel you buy and stick up on your roof will for sure be producing more savings.

How much more? Now that's a very difficult question to answer because utility suppliers tend to be very tight lipped about how much they plan on screwing over their customers in the coming months, and years.

So then with all that is known, why isn't every home owner on the planet scrambling up on their roof right now to hook up a solar power system? The answer is simple and that's that they have to buy it and have it installed, and it seems easier to just continue to pay a monthly power bill. However soon enough, prices on solar technology will come down and the sensible option will be solar panels on many homes across the world.

Myriad design, supply and install Solar PV photovoltaic systems to the commercial, industrial, public and agricultural sectors. Using the most efficient technology available a Myriad system will save money and the environment.For More Details Visit:

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