Wednesday 8 June 2011

Alternative Energy - The Advantages

The continued use of fossil fuels has come under a lot of scrutiny in recent times. We keep hearing about alternative energy and how they should be used in lieu of fossil fuels. Have you entertained this thought at all? Do you wonder what the advantages of using alternative energy are and how you can benefit from it?

I will answer those questions for you, but first, let us be clear about what alternative or renewable energy is. Alternative energy is the term used for energy sources other than fossil fuels. Although not all alternative sources of energy are renewable, for our discussion purposes, we will limit ourselves to renewable energy resources.

Renewable sources of energy are those that cannot be depleted and therefore, will never run out. Examples of these are sun, wind, running water, tide, wave, and still many others. To illustrate this point, imagine using wind power to generate electricity for your home. The wind is always in the atmosphere, blowing in your surroundings. Its strength and speed may not always be the same, but you can be assured that your use of this energy now will not diminish your supply of wind in the future.

In fact, that is one very obvious advantage of using alternative or renewable energy. Unlike fossil fuels where the supply of which is in rapid decline, we will never have to worry about running out of renewable energy. That isn't going to happen.

Another very important advantage of using alternative energy is its contribution to environmental well-being. The burning of fossil fuels, a process required in converting them into a consumable energy, pollutes the environment in a non-repairable manner. Global warming, or the warming up of the earth due to enhanced emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is a very prevalent problem the whole world is facing. And fossil fuels are a major contributor to this environmental concern.

On the other hand, the use of renewable energy does not bring forth an enhanced emission of greenhouse gases because burning is no longer required for their use. Also, alternative energy sources such as wind power, solar power, hydro energy, tidal power, and wave energy are clean and unpolluted. So, aside from not adding to the pollution caused by enhanced greenhouse gases, these types of alternative energy do not contribute to other forms of environmental degradation. Whatever impact the use of renewable energy entails, it is very minimal compared to the consequences of using fossil fuels.

Moreover, the use of alternative energy will benefit the local economy because we will no longer need to import fossil fuels to generate electricity. Since electricity will now be generated locally, it will also mean more job opportunities for the locals.

Using alternative energy can sometimes require substantial capital investment, but in the long run, it will undoubtedly be more cost-efficient for the economy or the investor, especially since the supply is practically free. And more importantly, it will be of the very least cost to the environment.

Simon Lamberton maintains a website encouraging the use of alternative energy for your electricity, specifically residential wind turbines. Simon is concerned for the future of the planet, and wants people to understand just how easy it is to utilize alternative forms of energy to power their everyday needs.

If you are a webmaster interested in original content for your website, please contact Simon at

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