Wednesday 8 June 2011

How To Make Your Own Water Powered Generator For Your Home Energy Needs

Making your own water powered generator would be not such an good idea for most of us folks that live in the city because it's doubtful that we have any natural running streams running downhill from us. However, if you happen to live out in the country and own land that might have a rapid running stream on it, it is not impossible to harness that power and create some free electricity for yourself. Below is what you will need and how to hook it all up.

What you will need:

Fast flowing streamPenstock pipeExcavating equipmentConcreteTurbineGeneratorBoard and batten shedElectrical line

Of course the first thing you will need to do is to find that fast flowing stream that has a steep slope somewhere near your property. This is the place in which you will need to install your water wheel or turbine.

You will then need to take the penstock pipe and make sure that you reduce it's grade as you go. By reducing the grade you will make the water increase in it's velocity when it moves down the pipe.

You will then need to use the excavating equipment and remove enough soil so that the shaft of your water wheel or turbine will have something solid to actually set into. Then you will be able to install the generator right along side the turbine. You will then set the turbine in place so the water that will be falling down from the pipe will be able to turn your turbine.

After the turbine is set into place you will need to attach it to the generator. Make sure that the generator is situated so that it is in no danger of getting water logged. You will need to build a little shed that will be around your generator in order to protect it from the weather. You can just do a standard board and batten type construction for the shed. Just make sure that it either has a tin or shingle roof on it. This kind of a construction should work perfectly for what you need it to do.

After you have done all of this, you should be able to hook up the electrical system in your home to your new powerhouse and you can pretty much start enjoying free electricity to your hearts desire.

There is one thing that you need to understand though is that water is not always considered a renewable source when there is a drought, so it's not a good idea to completely rely upon the new power source that you have set up for yourself. You still should have another way to power your home in case the stream should dry up for one reason or another.

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