Thursday 9 June 2011

How to Reduce The Pinch of Gas and Electricity Costs

Continued increase in the gas and electricity costs has hit many people hard in the recent times. Suddenly, you have to spend more than you used to on the same amount of goods and services or even less. This increase can only be attributed to increased demand for oil whose levels have continued decreasing thus driving the point home as to the limited nature of these resources. As expected, the rising demand for oil has driven the prices of commodities to an all time high thus constricting our finances and leaving us with less money to spend. This has been augmented by the instability in the labour market. Gas and electricity costs have been no exception. In fact, studies have shown that people are spending twenty per cent more on them. Nevertheless, all is not lost. You could incorporate a culture change so that you can save on the amounts you spend on these two commodities.

One thing you need to take stock of is the existing market structures. It is important to acknowledge that there are different players in the supply of gas and electricity. In this case therefore, you will be likely to have them competing for more sales. This is what you need to take advantage of. Conduct a market survey as to the suppliers who have more pocket-friendly packages. You may end up realizing that you are paying more than you would be if you were with another supplier.

Another thing that you need to do is conduct a sweep on the appliances that may be using more than they should. Technological advancement has bought about energy saving electrical items which would reduce the amounts you are spending tremendously. In fact, research has shown that you could cut the cost of the energy used in one bulb by up to ten pounds if only you would replace the regular light bulbs with the energy saving ones. One thing we have to acknowledge is that energy companies assign revised rates based on the spent monthly gas and electricity allowance.

While on that, it is important that we realise that many are the times we pay for gas and electricity that we did not use. How, you may ask. How many times have you left electrical items plugged onto the power outlet? Though we may not realise it, the appliances still pull electricity even when it is switched off a phenomenon known as latent electricity. Disconnecting appliances would lead to tremendous savings on the cost of gas and electricity.

Studies have shown however that the most valued ways of saving gas and electricity usage is correct insulation of our homes. This would incorporate closing up any cracks or cavities in the house as well as tight closure of doors and windows.

In addition, you could incorporate more efficient energy usage strategies in your home. Reduced usage of thermostat by even a degree is very effective in saving on heating costs. This could be done by having heavy curtains or double-glazing to cut on the heat loss.

The rise in gas and electricity does not have to put you down. With the right strategies and more efficient use of energy, you could make tremendous savings on gas and electricity costs.

First Utility are one of the UK's leading energy suppliers providing the best prices on Gas and electricity. If you are looking to switch Gas and electricity please contact us today.

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