Wednesday 8 June 2011

Saving Energy Is Important - Easy Ways in Which You Can Conserve on Electricity!

There are a variety of different things that you and your family can do to save on the electricity that you use in your home. A lot of the things that you can do are free or just cost very little to switch over to. The biggest thing about trying to conserve on electricity is the discipline. It takes discipline to break our old habits which tend to be quite wasteful when you come to think about it.

An easy thing that you can do to start conserving is simply turning off all of your lights that you absolutely do not need and are not really being used. This is especially true during the summer months when it stays daylight a lot longer than the other months of the year.

During the summer months especially you can also help by trying to let in as much of the sunlight that you can. This means you should try and open up all of your blinds or curtains as soon as you get up in the morning and keep them open until the sun has set in the evenings.

Cut down on using your stove top as well as your oven. You can do this by using a slow cooker or crockpot for a lot of the things that you need to have cooked. These can save you 80% as compared to cooking with your oven or stove top. You can also save a lot of energy if you use your microwave more to cook items you might normally cook in the oven or on the stove top.

Instead of using overhead lighting for working at your desk or at your computer, you should consider getting a small desk lamp that you can situate to where it will cast enough light on the area that you are working with. It's always advisable that if the task you are working on is a small task in a confined area that all you should use is a small light.

Another thing you might consider doing is try not watching so much TV and also consider not using the computers in your home as often. Get together with your family and try to come up with other things to do besides things that have to do with electronics. This might be tough but you might think it's kind of fun to get outside once and a while and play with the kids. It's also healthier in the long run.

You need to keep that refrigerator cold and you're not going to get that done if you stand there for 10 minutes staring inside of it with the door wide open. You know your kids do it and this is something that needs to be stopped. You should get what you need and shut the door right away. You also need to keep the cooling coils cleaned and in good shape. If you have an old refrigerator you might want to consider investing in one that has the Energy Star rating.

Make sure that all of the lighting in your home is positioned to where you are getting the most potential out of the light itself. You don't need light shining in a corner where no one ever sits or goes to. Shine lights only where you know they are needed.

When doing your dishes in the dishwasher make sure that you fill it to as full as it can get and still get the dishes clean. And when you are doing the laundry, if you have a backyard and it's good weather consider hanging up a clothes line and drying your clothes outside and save on the dryer as much and as often as you can.

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